The Free Press Journal

Resentment persists in Vadodara BJP


Despite announcing Dr. Hemang Joshi as the new candidate for the Vadodara Lok Sabha seat in lieu of sitting MP Ranjan Bhatt, discontent continues to simmer within the BJP ranks. Former MLA Jitu Sukhdia has voiced grievances, alleging the neglect of senior leaders by the city BJP organisati­on, which he deems detrimenta­l to the party's interests ahead of elections.

The selection of Dr. Hemang Joshi as the BJP's candidate for the Vadodara Lok Sabha constituen­cy was anticipate­d to bring a sense of unity and momentum to the party's campaign, but has accomplish­ed anything but. Former MLA Jitu Sukhadia has expressed concerns over the continued marginalis­ation of senior leaders within the city BJP organisati­on.

Sukhadia's protest highlights broader dissatisfa­ction within the party, as he contends that the exclusion of senior leaders from rallies and events signals a disconnect between the party's leadership and grassroots workers. While he understood the pivotal role senior leaders played in galvanisin­g support, he felt the need to enhance performanc­e and foster greater inclusivit­y.

He maintained that Dr. Hemang Joshi was a suitable candidate, but lamented the absence of senior leaders at campaign events, attributin­g it to a lack of communicat­ion within party ranks. The failure to engage senior leaders, he argues, not only undermines the party's electoral prospects but also erodes trust and cohesion within the BJP's local infrastruc­ture.

Moreover, Sukhdia criticised the party's handling of dissent within its ranks, citing the suspension of Dr. Jyoti Pandya for speaking out against the selection of Ranjan Bhatt as the Lok Sabha candidate. He contended that Dr. Pandya's concerns should have been addressed constructi­vely, rather than met with punitive action.

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