The Free Press Journal

Greens see red as St Inez banyan tree relocated again in late night operation



After a haphazard removal process that has nearly damaged the iconic banyan tree at St Inez and saw its branches callously chopped, the authoritie­s conducted yet another late night operation to relocate the 200-year-old tree from its replanted spot at the recently renovated football ground at Campal.

Within 24 hours after it was translocat­ed to Campal, the tree was moved around 25 meters from its previously replanted location with the reason behind this sudden move yet not clear.

These actions have sparked further outrage among environmen­tal activists, who vehemently opposed the initial uprooting of the tree. They demanded a considerat­e approach while also suggesting that if there were indeed pressing reasons for its relocation, it should have been undertaken during the rainy season when the ground and air provide ample moisture to facilitate the tree’s adjustment.

“I have no words... it (decisions)

shows absolutely no planning. Moving the tree in such harsh weather was the first big mistake, followed by another mistake. They (officials) seem to be having no idea about translocat­ion and treating a majestic tree as furniture,” Uday Krishna, founder-trustee of the Vata Foundation,

said speaking to The Goan.

His views were backed by the Goa Banyan Project who also termed the entire move as erroneous. The organizati­on also raised concerns about the secrecy surroundin­g the operations conducted under the cover of night.

“Overall, cutting down a legacy tree which is 200 years plus is erroneous… these large giants rely on their secondary and tertiary root systems which now no longer exist due to excessive cutting, trimming and relocation

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