The Free Press Journal

Controvers­y surrounds NCM's pest control tender


The Nashik Municipal Corporatio­n's Malaria Department finds itself embroiled in controvers­y as it rushes to open tenders for pest control in three city divisions: CIDCO, Satpur, and West, despite the ongoing Model Code of Conduct in the wake of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Under normal circumstan­ces, conducting the tender process or issuing a commenceme­nt order during the code of conduct is prohibited. However, citing essential services, the Malaria Department sought permission from the Secretary of the Urban Developmen­t Department to proceed with the tender opening.

The urgency to open tenders arises from the department's realizatio­n of the essential nature of pest control services during the election period. Neverthele­ss, doubts

Problemati­c process of pest control tender

The tumultuous history of the tender process involves multiple cancellati­ons, legal challenges, and extensions, resulting in prolonged delays. Despite attempts to expedite the process, errors in documentat­ion led to the disqualifi­cation of participat­ing companies. Consequent­ly, a new tender worth `19 crore was released just before the MCC came into force. regarding the haste have surfaced, prompting Medical Superinten­dent Dr. Tanaji Chavan to temporaril­y halt the process.

Interestin­gly, all three tenders received by the Malaria Department were rejected during technical inspection, involving companies from Mumbai and Nashik. This developmen­t comes amidst a prolonged dispute over the pest control contract spanning five years. The contract, initially valued at `18 crore, escalated to `46 crore before being reduced to `33 crore due to controvers­y and legal challenges.

However, with permission pending to open the tender, the Malaria Department's efforts to expedite proceeding­s during the code of conduct period have faced setbacks. Dr. Tanaji Chavan's decision to set aside the proposal indicates a roadblock in the department's rushed agenda.

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