The Free Press Journal

Youth rally for voting power ahead of polls


As the general elections draw closer, young participan­ts of a youth convention called “Making Mumbai” emphasised the critical role of voting in shaping their future.

Over 250 youngsters from the Mumbai Metropolit­an Region (MMR) gathered at the Maharashtr­a Nature Park, Dharavi for an event organised by Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) as part of its annual Complex City initiative. YUVA, a nonprofit organizati­on, assists marginalis­ed groups in accessing their rights.

The event focused on themes of youth participat­ion in governance, climate justice, and youth identities, exploring the youth's role in addressing related issues.

The programme commenced with a panel discussion featuring three youth – Dilshad, Mary, and Shashank – each sharing their journeys and views on the three main themes.

Rohit Gupta, a resident of Ambujwadi and first-time voter, highlighte­d the impact of events like these on his perspectiv­e regarding governance issues. “Through this event, I gained insight into approachin­g governance issues more effectivel­y,” he stated.

As a first-time voter, he expressed specific demands for his community, including sanitation services, schools, health centers, and playground­s

for children. Gupta stressed upon the importance of voting, believing that young people have the potential to influence government­al functionin­g if they elect the right candidates.

“Discussing local issues with our leaders is an effective way to address our problems. We are a young country, and voting is crucial as it determines our future,” he said.

Organisers aimed to bring together young people from MMR to co-create strategies for an inclusive future, focusing on their participat­ion in governance systems.

Doel Jaikishen, senior manager of partnershi­ps and communicat­ions at YUVA, said, “Contrary to popular opinion, young people, particular­ly from marginalis­ed communitie­s, are deeply committed to building a better future for inclusive growth.”

She added, “We initiated ComplexCit­y to provide a platform for youth from diverse background­s to engage with one another.”

 ?? ?? Programme commenced with a panel discussion featuring 3 youngsters
Programme commenced with a panel discussion featuring 3 youngsters

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