The Free Press Journal

‘Lifting of 2 Barfiwala spans enough to fix alignment issue’

Opines IIT- B on the VJTI report that recommende­d jacking up four spans to level the 2mt gap between both the structures


Instead of four, the lifting of two spans of the CD Barfiwala flyover will facilitate its alignment with the Gokhale bridge, said the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT- B) on Monday, while giving its opinion on the report submitted by the Veermata Jijabai Tecnologic­al Institute (VJTI). The latter has recommende­d the jacking up of four spans, which would have cost Rs9 crore, to level the two metres gap between both the structures. With the IIT-B's suggested modificati­on, one side of the bridge can be aligned with Rs3 crore.

“The alignment job can be done in 90 days as per the VJTI's report. We will expedite the work and complete it by June 30 to minimise the traffic congestion,” said a civic official. Currently, the BMC has prioritise­d the alignment of the north side of the bridge.

In its report submitted to the BMC last month, the VJTI has proposed to lift the flyover's last four spans. However, the civic body approached the IIT-B for a second opinion and a site inspection, which would help it to take a final decision. After inspection of the site, the IIT-B principall­y agreed to the VJTI's, except for the said change. Accordingl­y, the latter will now prepare the drawings on the alignment of the bridges and will also oversee the work on the site, said civic sources.

The BMC has also expedited the work on the second side of the Gokhale bridge, which is yet to be opened. All the girders are expected to arrive in Mumbai by April 22. Accordingl­y, the assembly work will be completed by the month's end, while the launching is expected in May, said the official.

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 ?? – VIJAY GOHIL ?? Shirts kept to dry on fences at a Marine Lines traffic island installati­on
– VIJAY GOHIL Shirts kept to dry on fences at a Marine Lines traffic island installati­on

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