The Free Press Journal

RIL in spotlight as Wall Street hunts AI winners beyond Nvidia in EMs

- FPJ BUREAU / Mumbai

Some of the world’s biggest money managers are searching for the next wave of artificial intelligen­ce winners beyond the US, Bloomberg reported.

At a time when the global euphoria about AI has propelled a three-fold surge in Nvidia Corp. and a 50% jump in a key US index for semiconduc­tor manufactur­ers in less than a year, investors are pointing toward emerging markets for better value and a bigger pool of options.

The asset management arm of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said it’s looking specifical­ly for stakes in the manufactur­ers of AI supplychai­n components, such as cooling systems and power supplies. JPMorgan Asset Management favors traditiona­l manufactur­ers of electronic­s that are morphing into AI leaders, while investment managers at Morgan Stanley are betting on players where AI is reshaping business models in non-tech sectors.

“We see AI as a growth driver in emerging markets,” said Jitania Kandhari, deputy chief investment officer at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.

“While we have previously invested in direct AI beneficiar­ies like semiconduc­tors, going forward it will be key to look for companies in different industries that are adopting AI to enhance earnings.” AI stocks are already leading a $1.9 trillion rebound in emerging markets this year, with Taiwanese and South Korean chip companies such as Taiwan Semiconduc­tor Manufactur­ing Co. and SK Hynix Inc. accounting for 90% of the gains, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Despite this rally, most emerging-market AI stocks still offer far better value than their US peers. While Nvidia trades at 35 times its projected earnings, Asian AI giants are typically valued between 12 and 19 times. Developing markets also offer faster growth. Analysts see a 61% increase in earnings for emerging-market technology companies as a whole, compared to the 20% rise that they were penciling in for US peers, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

So far, the stars of the show are those companies which already were technology leaders prior to the AI rally, such as TSMC and Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.

India’s Reliance Industries Ltd., the petroleum giant run by billionair­e Mukesh Ambani, has developed a chatGPT-style model with capabiliti­es in 22 Indian languages. The company is also part of the digital transforma­tion in the country of 1.4 billion people.

“We would point to the potential ‘national champions’ mindset that is developing around AI in some markets,” said Luke Barrs, global head of fundamenta­l equity client portfolio management at Goldman Sachs.

“Countries are focused on fostering homegrown companies that can be future leaders.” The trade is not without its risks. Emerging markets are tied closely to the US, meaning that an AI selloff could echo across the world. Alternativ­ely, if stock-market gains broaden out, then other sectors may catch up and AI names could lag behind. Still, investors are increasing­ly finding EM alternativ­es to US tech stocks that have over-extended themselves, said Morgan Stanley’s Kandhari.

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