The Free Press Journal

Three naxalites carrying rewards of `5.5L held


The Gadchiroli police have two hardcore female maoists and a jan militia member, collective­ly carrying a reward of Rs5.50 lakh announced by the state government. The arrests come amid heightened security concerns as the Communist Party of India (maoist) undertakes its tactical counter-offensive cam- paign (TCOC) ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.

The two female maoists Kajal alias Sindhu Gawade, 28, and Geeta alias Sukli Korcha, 31, were intercepte­d in the dense forests of Mauja Javeli on the Gadchiroli-Kanker border. According to police sources, both were wanted for their involvemen­t in violent incidents against security forces. Kajal and Geeta were implicated in planning ambushes and engaging in exchanges of fire resulting in casualties among security personnel.

The arrest of Jan Militia member Pisa Pandu Narote, linked to the murder of a police patil in Titola village in November 2023, was a crucial breakthrou­gh, the police said. Narote, known for his involvemen­t in logistical support and reconnaiss­ance activities for the maoists, had been evading arrest until a recent operation in the Gilanguda forest area.

A police officer disclosed that Kajal had been active since 2012, rising to a significan­t role in the divisional committee by 2020. Geeta, on the other hand, had a track record dating back to 2018, including instances of direct engagement­s with police resulting in casualties.

Narote, responsibl­e for various support tasks for the maoists, was implicated in three murder cases and had a reward of Rs1.50 lakh on his arrest.

Police operations have resulted in the arrest of 77 hardcore maoists since January 2022

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