The Free Press Journal

Abuse of the aged


The appalling video depicting Deepak Sen and his wife Pooja viciously assaulting his 87-year-old grandmothe­r in Bhopal is deeply disturbing. The grandmothe­r, defenceles­s and extremely vulnerable, was subjected to competitiv­e blows from her own grandson and his wife, who even went as far as inserting a wooden log into her private parts while he gagged her. The barbarity of the act is horrifying, and it's a relief that the couple has been apprehende­d while attempting to flee the city. Sen’s relative affluence, as evidenced by his ownership of a salon in the Jehangirpu­ri area, juxtaposes starkly with the heinous nature of the crime. Bhopal, known as the 'city of lakes,' gained infamy for the world's worst industrial disaster when poisonous gas leaked from the multinatio­nal Union Carbide factory. Notwithsta­nding such notoriety, the plight of senior citizens remains a pressing issue. Elderly individual­s suffer neglect and abuse as their children shirk their responsibi­lities.

The dire state of senior citizens is not unique to Bhopal; it's a nationwide crisis. After events like the Kumbh Mela, thousands of elderly individual­s are found stranded, unable to recount how they ended up there. With limited support systems in place, some seek refuge in religious institutio­ns where they’re promised a meal a day. States like Himachal Pradesh have resorted to passing laws mandating care for grandparen­ts, highlighti­ng the failure of familial and societal obligation­s. Addressing this crisis demands a comprehens­ive welfare system that provides pensions to those without regular income and unable to work due to age or infirmity. Additional­ly, moral education must emphasise the sacred duty of caring for parents and grandparen­ts. As India’s population ages, especially in states like Kerala where the elderly outnumber the young, proactive measures are essential to safeguard the dignity and well-being of senior citizens. The state has as much responsibi­lity as the people concerned in this regard.


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