The Free Press Journal

BJP works for villages, poor, farmers: CM


Chhattisga­rh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Thursday said BJP has worked for the villages, poor, farmers and labourers by following the basic mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, said Sai.

He said the promises made by the Prime Minister are being fulfilled by the state government. Bhojraj will be representi­ng the state and the entire government will work for the developmen­t government, now the BJP is determined to make the candidate win in the Lok Sabha elections and send it to the Parliament. He also spoke on different schemes of the central government.

Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao said that today everyone is leaving the Congress Party and joining BJP. Today everyone has understood that the Congress Party is a sinking boat and everyone is running away because the Congress Party has neither leaders nor intentions. They do not have people for tickets in 11 Lok Sabha seats of Chhattisga­rh. Anyone is being sent anywhere. Now the fast has also started in the Congress office and their own workers are writing letters against them.

BJP candidate Bhojraj Nag said that Kanker is progressin­g rapidly and BJP is necessary to sharpen the pace of its developmen­t. There were a lot of stories about the corruption of the Congress Party in Chhattisga­rh in the last 5 years, now the time has come to teach them a lesson again. feeling suffocated. The party has neither policy, nor rules nor leaders. In Surguja division, a large number of people are coming to BJP, while in Bastar, thousands of people are leaving Congress and joining BJP.

In the last five years of its rule in Chhattisga­rh, Congress has not done even a single work which would benefit the public. The previous state government of Congress, which was busy in making only announceme­nt after announceme­nt, did not fulfill those announceme­nts during its entire tenure. Dev said that the Bharatiya Janata Party government has establishe­d new dimensions of developmen­t. The new chapter of developmen­t has started under the capable and strong leadership of the Prime Minister. BJP has been working among the public since the assembly elections and public confidence in BJP has increased.

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