The Free Press Journal

UNICEF India, IIT-Bombay launch digital course for healthcare profession­als


UNICEF India, in collaborat­ion with the Internatio­nal Institute of Health Management Research, New Delhi, and IITBombay on Wednesday unveiled a digital course to equip healthcare profession­als with the skills to drive the digital transforma­tion of India's healthcare sector.

According to a statement issued by UNICEF, the course spanning 10 weeks targets a diverse audience, including doctors, nurses, pharmacist­s, healthcare administra­tors, policymake­rs, IT profession­als and individual­s involved in healthcare technology implementa­tion.

The course seeks to address the burgeoning demand for digital health education while bridging the knowledge gap among healthcare profession­als, the statement said.

The “Digital Health Enterprise Planning Course”, scheduled to commence on Apr 17, aims to equip healthcare profession­als with the necessary skills to drive the digital transforma­tion of India's healthcare sector, it added.

Cynthia McCaffrey, UNICEF India Representa­tive, emphasised the course's significan­ce in bolstering India's commitment to promoting digital innovation in healthcare.

"The digital health course launched by IIHMR, IIT Mumbai, and UNICEF today builds on India's commitment to promote digital innovation in the health system by equipping healthcare profession­als with cutting-edge skills and leveraging digital technologi­es," she said.

Professor Sutapa B Neogi, the director of the IIHMR New Delhi, highlighte­d the crucial role of the course in enhancing the competence of healthcare profession­als to adapt to the digital era.

"By equipping healthcare profession­als with the necessary skills and knowledge, this course will enhance their competence to adapt to the digital era and optimise healthcare delivery systems across India, particular­ly in underserve­d communitie­s," she said.

The comprehens­ive curriculum, developed in consultati­on with leading experts from the IIHMR New Delhi and the IIT-Bombay, and with technical inputs from UNICEF India, covers a spectrum of topics ranging from digital health interventi­ons and telemedici­ne to health informatic­s and cybersecur­ity.

Professor Santosh Noronha of IIT-Bombay underscore­d the collaborat­ive efforts aimed at building a robust digital health ecosystem in India.

Adopting a blended approach, the course integrates online modules, virtual lectures, interactiv­e discussion­s, and hands-on workshops and the participan­ts will engage with experience­d digital health profession­als, subject matter experts, and academicia­ns, while learning is reinforced through case studies, group projects, networking, and knowledge sharing, the statement said.


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