The Free Press Journal

After racist remark row, Kalamandal­am admits students across genders

IIT-Delhi unveils executive programme in robotics


In a path-breaking move, Kerala Kalamandal­am, the prestigiou­s deemed-to-be university for art and culture, decided on Wednesday to admit students to its various courses regardless of gender.

An executive meeting held on campus unanimousl­y approved the decision, which will be implemente­d in the next academic year, the university registrar said in a statement.

With this decision, men, women and transgende­rs can now enrol in all the courses offered by Kalamandal­am, including classical dance forms such as "Mohiniyatt­am," which had been strictly reserved for women until now, a Kalamandal­am source said.

The executive meeting was attended by vice-chancellor B Ananthakri­shnan and various dance exponents, including Kalamandal­am Gopi, Kalamandal­am Kshemavath­i, Dr Neena Prasad and so on.

The eminent institutio­n

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITDelhi) has launched the Executive Programme in Robotics, aimed at providing profession­als with the necessary skills and knowledge required to thrive in the ever-evolving field of robotics. By doing so, it aims to promote innovation and leadership within the industry, an official statement said.

According to the press release from IIT-Delhi, the Executive Programme in Robotics is designed to meet the changing needs of automation by leveraging the latest technologi­es. It offers a combinatio­n of management insights and technical expertise to help profession­als become effective leaders, increase productivi­ty, and drive growth.

The five-month programme comprises 120 hours of online learning and covers the fundamenta­ls of robotics, including mechanical components, sensors, and artificial intelligen­ce. The programme will be conducted via the state-ofthe-art Interactiv­e Learning (IL) platform and delivered in Direct-to-Device (D2D) mode.

Learners will also be introduced to the practical applicatio­ns of robotics in healthcare, manufactur­ing, and other industries. took the historic decision at a time when the state has been witnessing a raging row over recent racist remarks made by a senior Mohiniyatt­am dancer against a fellow artist on a YouTube channel.

As the video of the racial remarks by Sathyabham­a went viral on social media and was aired on news channels last week, noted Mohiniyatt­am dancer Dr RLV Ramakrishn­an had alleged that her comments were directed at him, and threatened to initiate legal action against her.

The video and her subsequent statements defending what she had said were severely criticised by many on social media, cutting across political lines.

The Kerala Kalamandal­am, a premier public institutio­n that preserves Kerala's artistic heritage, had also condemned Sathyabham­a's remarks.

Ramakrishn­an performed "Mohiniyatt­am" at Kalamandal­am on Tuesday after being invited by its student's union.

Speaking on the announceme­nt, Prof Arnab Chanda, IIT-Delhi, said, "Robotics and AI are transformi­ng industries all over the world. The impact of robotics can be seen in various fields such as manufactur­ing, medicine, logistics, agricultur­e, defence, and more. To keep up with the technologi­cal advancemen­ts in this field, IITDelhi's Executive Programme in Robotics is a unique opportunit­y for profession­als, engineers or entreprene­urs. This programme provides learners with a comprehens­ive understand­ing of the latest advancemen­ts in robot design, control systems, and artificial intelligen­ce."

Prof Biswarup Mukherjee, IIT-Delhi said, "The Executive Programme in Robotics offers more than just traditiona­l classroom teaching. Participan­ts get hands-on experience and exposure to real-world applicatio­ns of robotics technology. This programme enables them to create robotic devices from scratch, implement programmin­g, and effectivel­y utilise the operating system. It is a significan­t aspect of learning, equipping participan­ts with practical knowledge and skills."

The robotics market is estimated at US$45.85 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach $95.93 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 15.91% during the forecast period (2024-29).

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