The Free Press Journal

Eco-Warriors Cleanse Beaches, Collect Plastic Initiative­s

Jai Hind College's Detour:


Jai Hind College recently embarked on a Detour journey with a meaningful twist, focusing on environmen­tal impact and community engagement. On January 6, the college’s organising committee, dressed in black, took to the local beaches for a cleanup initiative, targeting areas marred by garbage. Following this, on January 8, the entire student body, adorned in blue, participat­ed in a plastic collection drive to combat the surge in plastic waste surroundin­g their college vicinity.

Cleaning Chowpatty Beach: A Youth-Led Environmen­tal Initiative

In collaborat­ion with ‘Change Is Us’, a youth-led initiative dedicated to addressing socio-environmen­tal issues, Jai Hind students took on the challenge of purging Chowpatty Beach of harmful waste. Impressive­ly, the collective effort resulted in the successful collection of over 1300 kg of waste, showcasing the students' active participat­ion in the ongoing fight against climate change.

Detour's environmen­tal awareness platform Beyond its convention­al role as a college fest, Detour emerged as a powerful platform fostering environmen­tal awareness among students and faculty. Collaborat­ing with Borosil, one of Detour’s key sponsors, the recent plastic collection drive achieved significan­t success, amassing around 15 kg of plastic in a 4-hour stretch. This initiative also encouraged onlookers to join the eco-friendly mission. Notably, a considerab­le portion of the collected waste comprised plastic water bottles, emphasizin­g the importance of using reusable bottles as a positive step forward.

Utilizing Detour as a platform for spreading environmen­tal awareness among students and faculty has proven to be an impactful initiative. Jai Hind College, in collaborat­ion with Detour, showcases a commitment to environmen­tal consciousn­ess.

 ?? ?? Jai Hind Detour Student at Chowpatty Beach (Above)
Jai Hind Detour Student at Chowpatty Beach (Above)

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