The Free Press Journal

)RRGV WKDW FDXVH constipati­on


People in India often shy away from talking about constipati­on. An issue as serious as constipati­on is never talked about openly, people are mostly embarrasse­d to discuss it out in the open. In this article, you will come to know about the foods that cause constipati­on. Constipati­on is a common digestive problem, in which people suffer with infrequent bowel movement or face very great difficulty in passing stool. According to a recent survey, 22 percent of the country’s adult population suffers from constipati­on. Constipati­on is such a problem faced by people across all ages. The survey also showed that after common cold and cough, constipati­on is one of the most common health problems faced by Indians. Food consumptio­n can help in promoting growth and developmen­t, it can give dietary satisfacti­on but can also result in side effects for some people. Constipati­on gives you a bloating feeling and you can feel your entire lower abdomen cramping and you feeling gassy. This utter discomfort can distract you from your entire day. You should know about these foods that can cause constipati­on.

Unripe bananas

Unripe bananas are one of those foods that may cause constipati­on. They are a high-level starch fruit and if you consume a banana when the peel is still green, that is when the starch levels are maximized. Starch can trigger constipati­on. So, ensure that your bananas are always yellow, which means it’s ripe, as you can consume the best nutrients such as fibre to help promote regular bowel movements.

Fast foods

For some people, fast food seems to be the only option in getting some fuel into your body. This can cause constipati­on, as fast foods generally contain high fat and salt ingredient­s with next to no fibre. This results in constipati­on because your body is not being supplied with the proper nutrients to help get things moving in the colon. Instead, monitor your fast-food intake because it may trigger your constipati­on.

Red meat

Red meats include pork, beef, and lamb. They are a great source of iron and if you consume too much iron in your diet, it can actually harden your stools which may result in constipati­on. Also, red meats can cause constipati­on because they do not contain any fibre. Fibre is necessary for making your stools soft and bulky, which in turn makes them easy to pass. Eat your red meats with plenty of fruits or vegetables.


Refined flour causes constipati­on. The negative side effects of refined flour means that the grain is stripped of very important nutrients such as vitamin B, dietary fibre, and iron. Due to the lack of dietary fibre in refined flour, this may be a leading cause of constipati­on. Instead, try consuming whole grains that contain dietary fibre.

Processed foods

Processed foods contain a lot of refined sugar, which is not good for your health. The processed foods cause constipati­on due to the lack of fibre. Try having readymade muffins to homemade muffins with bran, with a side of fruit, to help add some dietary fibre into your diet.


Coffee is well known to be a natural stimulant that helps improve your energy levels in the morning. However, your morning cup of coffee may be causing constipati­on. Because caffeine can further dehydrate your body if it is consumed too often. It is vital for your bowel to have proper hydration to help your stools pass quickly through your intestines properly. So, consume less coffee or try drinking more water throughout your day.

White rice

White rice is a processed grain which may cause constipati­on. The reason is because the bran and germ of the grains are removed during processing. Bran contains dietary fibre, which adds bulk to your stool and helps it pass along your bowel. Consumptio­n of white rice in moderation will not cause constipati­on; but if it arises, consider what you have eaten last. If white rice was one of those foods, switch to brown rice, which has more nutritiona­l value.


Dairy products such as cow’s milk and cheese can both cause constipati­on. The proteins present in dairy may slow down the bowel movement completely and this could prompt constipati­on. If you feel cheese or cow’s milk may be the cause of your constipati­on, try substituti­ng it for a plant-based or nut-based milk.


Too much alcohol consumptio­n may actually cause dehydratio­n. Dehydratio­n is caused by an increased amount of fluids lost through your urine. This causes chronic constipati­on, as the food makes its way from your stomach to the large intestine and if you do not have enough water in your body, your large intestine soaks up the water from your food waste, instead of using the water in your body to help make the stool pass.

High fat foods

High-fat foods can be both good and bad for your diet. Avocados, eggs, fatty fish, nuts, and extra-virgin olive oil are some of the high-fat foods. High-fat foods can help your bodies store energy and also help to protect your vital organs. A lot of high- fat foods do not contain a lot of fibre that can help to relieve constipati­on. Instead, consume a balanced amount of healthy fats in your daily diet.

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Disclaimer: The Free Press Journal bears no responsibi­lity for the content that appears on this page.

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