The Free Press Journal

India electronic­s exports to US jump over two-fold to $6.6 bn in Jan-Sep 2023: ICEA


Electronic­s exports from India to the US jumped over two-fold yearon-year to USD 6.6 billion during January-September 2023, industry body ICEA has said.

India Cellular and Electronic­s Associatio­n Chairman Pankaj Mahindroo told PTI that this is an all-time high electronic­s export from India, while the share of electronic­s imported from China into the US market has declined.

"Recent data highlights a notable surge in India's electronic­s exports to the US, which increased by approximat­ely 253 per cent to an estimated USD 6.6 billion in the current year (January-September), compared to an estimated USD 2.6 billion in the same period last year," Mohindroo said.

According to data shared by ICEA, India's electronic­s exports to the US increased by more than 300 per cent from an estimated USD 1.3 billion in 2018 to an estimated USD 4.5 billion in 2022.

The bilateral electronic­s trade between India and the US has also seen an impressive rise of 84 per cent, with the current estimate standing at USD 9 billion during January-September 2023 from an estimated USD 4.9 billion in the same period preceding fiscal.

In August 2023, ICEA launched the Indo-US Task Force for Electronic­s with a mission to increase the bilateral electronic­s trade to an ambitious USD 100 billion in a decade. "The Indo-US Task Force for Electronic­s is not just about numbers. It's about setting a precedent. With the current trade estimated at USD 9 billion in 9 months, we have seen good improvemen­t. Our goal now is to capitalise on this momentum and significan­tly elevate our position in the US electronic­s market," IndoUS Task Force on Electronic­s Chairman RS Sharma said.

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