The Free Press Journal

Myths about the human body

that can cause serious health damage!


Cold is not caused by wet hair

Apopular quote goes like this, “Your body is your temple. You do your body good and your body will do you good.” If you agree with the quote above, it means that you have understood how important it is to take good care of your body and health, as good health is one of the most important things a person can have. Without good health, our lives can be seriously affected in a negative way, as ailments and diseases come in the way of us living a happy life. Even minor ailments such as headaches or a sprain can disrupt our lives for a few days, so you can only imagine how devastatin­g a major disease can be!

So, one must always make an effort to maintain good health by practicing healthy habits such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, managing stress, avoiding pollution, etc. In addition, it is also important to know certain facts and myths about the human body and health, so that we know which ones should be followed. Following certain unhealthy myths can seriously damage our health and can even be fatal. Have a look at some of the myths about the human body and health which must never be followed:

Tilt head back to stop nose bleed

Normally, when someone is experienci­ng a nosebleed due to health conditions or injuries, many people around may advise them to tilt their head back to stop the bleeding. This is a myth because tilting the head back does not stop a nosebleed. Also, this habit can cause the blood from the nose to reach the throat and lungs and lead to choking, which is dangerous!

Don’t eat if you have fever

This is a common myth that has been passed on since generation­s, in many countries and some people still believe it! So, they feel that eating food during a fever spell can worsen the condition and eat very little. However, research studies have proven that trying to starve yourself while you have a fever can only weaken the immune system and prolong the condition. Eating healthy and drinking a lot of fluids during a flu is the key to recovery.

This is also another popular myth that is believed by many and so people go out right after washing their hair or wash their hair at night and go to bed without drying it. This habit can surely cause a cold, as research studies have shown that wet hair, especially in colder climates can attract certain viruses which can weaken our immune system and cause a cold. It is advisable to dry your hair after washing, before heading out!

Running on a treadmill is healthy

If you are someone who goes to the gym on a regular basis, it is a very healthy habit; however, there are certain things that can harm your health even at the gym. Running on a treadmill can be very damaging to your knees as the stress applied on your joints is very high on a treadmill. In the long run, this habit can seriously harm your knees and ankles. So, running outside is a much healthier option.

Eggs increase cholestero­l Most of us consume eggs on a regular basis, especially for breakfast. An egg is a popular food among people who work out, as it is high in protein content. However, there is a myth which says that the fat content in eggs can increase the cholestero­l levels of the body. The fact is, there are two types of cholestero­l;

“good” and “bad” cholestero­l. Eggs increase the “good” cholestero­l of the body (HDL), which has a number of health benefits. So, eggs are safe to be consumed!

Six-pack abs equals to great health

Today, sporting a 6-pack abdomen by working out a lot has become rather trendy, without really checking to see the health aspect behind it. While it is healthy to have strong, flat abdominal muscles, with low body fat levels, it does not automatica­lly mean that one is healthy. Having extremely low body fat can be damaging to one’s health and can cause serious diseases!

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