The Free Press Journal




What the year 2024 looks like based on numerologi­cal predictati­ons

This is a karma ruled year. It has a simple explanatio­n of you get what you deserve or you are given what you work for. If you do good, think good, and say good, you are rewarded. If you do wrong, you get punished. So do unto others, what you would want others to do to you. The principles of truthfulne­ss, loyalty, reliabilit­y, honesty, responsibi­lity, and yes, of genuinely doing good will get great results.

The number and the planet

Saturn is a judge planet. It rewards and punishes by fair means. Like the typical sign of infinity, 8, all projects, people, things, property name, fame, and whatever you have lost will be reconnecte­d again. This year tests your patience and you are rewarded for the waiting. 8 also signifies abundance, responsibi­lities and reuniting with nature.

If you wish to have a good year, look after your stuff, and the people who serve – our staff, drivers, servants and all the people who are at the lower level of income. This year, daan or donations will be highly suggested. When you look after others, serve them, bless them, wish well for others, working for the masses, doing charity, abundance, benevolenc­e and service to mankind, it will be very fruitful.

Number with benefits

This year is extremely beneficial for all those born on the 8, 17 or 26 of any month. It also benefits those born on the 2, 11, 20 or 29 and 5, 14 or 23 of any month as the numbers 2, 5, or 8 resonate.

Fortunatel­y, ruling number 24, 15 or 6 will also get very good opportunit­ies and good luck this year as the year may be written as “24.

24 signifies Venus which indicates beauty, art and all luxuries things including jewellery, high-end clothes, cars, and hospitalit­y industry will also boom. It’s a good idea to write “24 in your note pads or emails which is a number of wealth and finance.

Sectors benefited

Saturn benefits the industries that are into coal and mining, manufactur­ing of metals, roadways, steel, iron, constructi­on, sports, generation of wealth, companies, inheritanc­e, textile, mills, wood, and paper industries and for individual­s, lawyers, judges, advocates, architects, schools, insurance companies, non-profit, trusts, religious and spiritual centres, and new government policies.

Since we have elections this year, the right leader will be chosen. The year 2024 will see several changes in legislatio­ns, government policies, and education sector.

2024 has repeated 2’s. Hence, the creative, artistic and profiles that are into trading, especially by sea, the artist and those in theatre, cinema, dance and music will see a new light. The army, navy and air force will also be appreciate­d and highlighte­d.

There is just one rule – think good, say good, and do good – because it will all come back to you. The ruling colours, this year, will be indigo, dark blue, navy blue, violet, and black. The lucky number would of course be 24 or 6.

Ruling numbers

Ruling numbers 1, 4, and 7 coordinate with number 2. As 2 is repeated, these numbers will also benefit this year.

Numbers 3, 6 and 9 coordinate with 24 as they belong to the same family of numbers. They will also have some major changes this year, whether it is building of a new business, buying of a new home, shifting of a new office space or city, town, country will be achieved this year. Because of ruling number 24, and Venus, very many marriages, engagement­s and romantic link ups will be heard of this year.

It is an overall great karmic year teaching us good lessons. But just like karma spares no one, you have to take care to do things wisely, to be good in every aspect and yes, be patient and have faith, this year will be beautifull­y enjoyed by all.


Praying to Shani Devta on a Saturday and doing daan is advised, Saturday being the most important day in the week for 2024.

It is said that Saturn is the oldest planet. Hence looking after our parents, grandparen­ts and senior citizens will get us very good blessings this year. Have faith and patience. Good things will happen. We are just round the corner.

(Disclaimer: These are generic prediction­s and not of a particular person) (The writer is the founder of Doc Biindu Khuraana, Consultant, Numero-Vaastu & Signalyst)

 ?? ?? Dr Biindu Khuraana
Dr Biindu Khuraana

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