The Free Press Journal

‘Painting gives me peace’

Reveals wildlife artist Pooja Anant Bajaj who had her debut art show a while ago, titled ‘Unleashed—Defining the Abstract’ at the Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai

- RACHNA VIRDI These are edited excerpts. For complete articles, subscribe to Marwar India

Wildlife artist Pooja Anant Bajaj had her debut art show titled ‘Unleashed—Defining the Abstract’ last year at the prestigiou­s Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. The exhibition was dedicated to her late husband Anant Bajaj, son of Kiran and Shekhar Bajaj of the Jamnalal Bajaj family. The slogan goes as this: ‘To the man who brought wildlife into my life!’

Discussing her love for wildlife art, Bajaj said, “My artworks revolved around horses, tigers and elephants. It all started with my husband Anant’s love for wildlife and nature. Post-marriage, we used to travel widely to wildlife sanctuarie­s and nature parks. He was the one who introduced me to wildlife and look, now I ended up painting all his favourite animals.” While Anant’s love for wildlife became Pooja’s own genre and inspiratio­n, it was her eight-year-old son Vanraj’s Art Appreciati­on Course during the pandemic times and encouragem­ent from his art teacher Anoushka Tejuja that prompted her to follow her passion for art.

Dabbling with colours gave Bajaj the peace and happiness she was striving for. Wildlife art came to her naturally as she poured out her expression­s and went along learning different styles. Soon, her art canvas was full of sketches of tigers, elephants and horses. “One day, my in-laws spotted my sketches and asked me where I had this talent hidden all these years. Having learnt that I had painted them myself, they insisted that I must try for a show and here I am,” she muses.

The next few months, she was ready with a collection of paintings. “My search for identity prompted me to apply at Jehangir Art Gallery. I was shooting in the dark but to my surprise, I was selected. The gallery’s committee found my work interestin­g, and I bagged my first solo show!” she observed.

Excerpts from the interview Tell us about your first solo art show.

The show titled ‘Unleashed—Defining the Abstract’ defines the abstract beauty of nature and revolved around the valour of the horses, tigers and elephants. It is a combinatio­n of a few mediums—primarily watercolou­rs, and a few pen-ink and acrylic pieces. I also love knife painting as it brings out the rustic and vivid play of colours. The inspiratio­n behind what I paint is my late husband, Anant Bajaj.

What inspired your love for wildlife art?

It was inspired by my husband Anant and to follow my passion for art was pushed by my son. I always say, ‘Anant was the man who brought me to paint what I paint now, and Vanraj is the child who pushed me to take up my passion and took me forward by always encouragin­g me’.

Tell us about your initiation in art.

Growing up in my schooldays, I developed an interest in art like oil-ceramic and glass painting, which led me to participat­e in art programmes. But the real love for painting was ignited while engaging with my seven-year-old son Vanraj in an Art Appreciati­on Course during the Covid lockdown phase. His art teacher Anoushka, the Founder of Budding Artists Studio, saw me as far more interested in learning and always wanting to paint along with my son. She guided me into art and I went flowing along with the colours, learning different styles and painting different artworks. The hunger to learn more kept growing.

What kind of direction was given by the art teacher?

She has played a very instrument­al role in getting me seriously interested in art. She identified my interest in art. She had more trust and faith in my art and always pushed me to do better. She encouraged me to learn Zen tangling with pen and ink and progress to water-colours and acrylic. She fuelled my creative direction and allowed me to paint without boundaries. Now, of course, she is more of a friend than a teacher to me.

What do you express through your wildlife art?

I naturally enjoy doing art around nature as it leaves me in awe that it is so simple and self-sufficient. It also taught me the following things in life: Be humble, focus on basics, trust your instincts, and live in the moment.

What inspired you to do the solo show at Jehangir Art Gallery?

My search for identity and self-validation made me apply to Jehangir Art Gallery for the show. Initially, I couldn’t muster the courage to apply. Then, I thought it was okay to try and fail rather than fail, for not having tried.

Tell us about your late husband to whom you have dedicated the show.

Anant, fondly known as Antobee, had various shades to his vibrant personalit­y. He was a patriot to the core, nature-art and music lover, tech and innovative thinker and a dreamer! He strongly supported environmen­tal causes, and always thought of ways to sustain Mother Earth. He was influenced by Gandhiji’s philosophy and focused on truthfulne­ss and simplicity in life.

What do you look forward to in your art journey?

I look forward to learning more styles in art. I want to progress to more abstract work as that is what I really enjoy. I want to commission pieces for those who like my work and maybe work towards another show. Painting gives me peace and happiness and a place where I can be ME without bothering about getting judged!

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