The Free Press Journal

How to take care of your prized possession­s

With the festive season going on, heirloom jewels and precious stones come out to adorn, and then put them back. Read on how to maintain your jewellery

- (Inputs and images by Manushi Singh, Founder, Rare Heritage)

Jewellery is meant to be worn, obviously. So, it is bound to get dirty or worn down over the years. Whether we’re talking about heirloom jewels that are passed down generation­s or fashion jewellery with a comparativ­ely shorter life expectancy, each piece of jewellery must be taken care of. Stop worrying, as we get you these value tips on keeping your precious jewellery and stones spotless and sparkling at home with ease to make them last a lifetime

Clean your jewellery before storing:

A crucial step, as adornments in gold and silver when worn on the body, can gather sweat and dirt through the day and eventually lose lustre. Once spotless and sparkling, store the adornments in a jewellery box with multiple slots to refrain them from coming in contact with each other.

Use airtight box or zip locks:

In order to preserve their polish for a long time, an airtight box will help keep them untarnishe­d and fresh.

Store them separately:

You may think storing all jewellery together would not affect them but it does. Separation ensures no rubbing, moving around or getting scratched and broken.

Don your jewellery last when dressing:

Always put on jewellery after you’ve done with make-up, perfume, cosmetics and moisturise­r to avoid any possible damage to the delicate jewellery work and gems.

Follow the gemstone rules: Jewels with soft stones like pearl, amber, turquoise, coral, moonstone, calcite, opal, kunzite, tourmaline and emerald can lose their lustre if cleaned with water. So, use a soft cloth and gently clean the surface to preserve the beauty and brilliance of the stone.

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