The Free Press Journal

Changes in reproducti­ve organ as you age


Changes to how your penis looks or works can be signs of underlying health issues and can affect your quality of life. So understand­ing which changes are normal and when to seek help is important. Here’s what you can expect to happen to your reproducti­ve organ (penis) as you age, and when to be concerned.

Will it shrink?

There is no definitive evidence your penis length and girth will naturally change as you age, despite what you may read.

This is because there is no study that follows the same adults and their penis measuremen­ts over decades; existing studies only compare penis size between different adults of different ages.

There are also many different ways to measure penis size – including stretched, flaccid (floppy) and erect. This makes it difficult to compare studies.

● However, for some people, conditions associated with ageing can appear to decrease penis length. These include:

● Obesity (which hides the base of the penis).

● The effects of prostate surgery (temporaril­y).

● Peyronie’s disease (where scarring in the fibrous layer of the penis causes it to bend abnormally). Erect penis length may also decrease with age due to:

● Erectile dysfunctio­n (the inability to achieve erections sufficient for sexual activity).

● Less penile elasticity, which reduces how much it expands.

Will I still have erections?

Erectile dysfunctio­n affects 15% of men in their 50s to almost 90% of men over 80, according to an English study of more than 6,000 people. Existing health conditions increased the risk significan­tly, and the risk was more than doubled in those who rated their health as fair to poor. Medication­s such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) can help. But they do not reverse the underlying blood vessel and nerve damage that cause erectile dysfunctio­n. Eventually other treatments – such as injections or penile pumps – may be options.

Other changes that occur with age include decreased penis sensitivit­y, which might reduce arousal. Ejaculatio­n is delayed and happens less often.

Semen volume and the force of ejaculatio­n decrease with age. The time taken to “recover” from ejaculatin­g and become sexually responsive again (known as the postejacul­atory refractory time) also increases with age. Reaching orgasm is “impossible” or “moderately difficult” for 33% of men in their 70s.

Will the shape change?

The shape of your penis is not usually expected to change with age. However, Peyronie’s disease (an abnormally bent or curved penis) becomes more common with age. This may be because of accumulati­on of damage from minor injuries over time. This condition affects 6.5% of men over 70 and can cause short-term pain and longterm erectile dysfunctio­n.

Will I pee more?

Lower urinary tract symptoms such as incontinen­ce, a weak urine stream, problems with starting and stopping peeing, and nocturia (frequent night time urination) increase as we get older.

These symptoms are moderate to severe in almost 50% of men over 65, and in 70% of men over 80. This is likely due to higher rates of benign prostatic hyperplasi­a (enlarged prostate) as men age, which has various effects, including on urine flow.

Changes can a toll

Physical and functional changes in the penis can affect a man’s health, and well-being.

Problems with erections or ejaculatin­g can reduce someone’s quality of life if they still want to have sex. So open discussion with a partner, seeking support, and profession­al advice can help.

Lower urinary tract symptoms can also affect a man’s mental health, and personal relationsh­ips.

Sign of disease

Erectile dysfunctio­n can also hint at serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and disorders of the nervous system. In this way, the penis reflects vascular health in the rest of the body. Erectile dysfunctio­n can predict your risk of a future heart attack or stroke. Lower urinary tract symptoms are also often associated with sexual dysfunctio­n, and can increase the risk of urinary tract infections and chronic kidney disease.

When should I see my GP?

Normal ageing includes changes to the penis’ blood vessels, nerves, and associated organs, such as the prostate. So, as you age, it is normal to have:

● Minor changes in size, shape.

● A gradual decrease in erectile function and sensitivit­y.

● Mild urinary symptoms that don’t bother you.

Staying healthy and regularly seeing your GP to check for common conditions (such as high blood pressure) should slow down these age-related changes. Other health conditions (such as diabetes) accelerate these changes. However, it is important to seek medical attention if:

● There is a significan­t change in size or shape of the penis, or if you develop unusual lumps.

● There is pain or discomfort in or around your penis.

● Erectile dysfunctio­n becomes persistent or bothers you.

● Urinary symptoms occur suddenly or bother you.


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