The Free Press Journal

‘Laadli Laxmi’ scheme hit by financial crunch?



A huge number of married women and girl students – 5,801 and 16,940 respective­ly – are awaiting funds under the Laadli Laxmi scheme, a flagship initiative of the BJP government.

The scheme – a commitment during the 2012 general assembly elections and one of the reasons the saffron party bounced back to power, was implemente­d to offer financial assistance to prevent the tendency of female foeticides and erase the general perception that the birth of a girl in the family is the burden on her parents/guardian during her marriage. The one-time scheme was subsequent­ly extended for educationa­l and other expenses, with a set of conditions for both categories of applicants.

However, the current state is such that over 20,000 beneficiar­ies are uncertain about the impending release of funds.

Data available with The Goan reveals that since January

2019, 19,452 applicants were sanctioned the benefit under the scheme. But as of now, each of the 5,801 married women and 16,940 unmarried women are awaiting Rs 1 lakh from the Department of Women & Child Developmen­t – the implementi­ng agency on behalf of the State government.

Highly placed sources confirmed that no deadline is set to disburse payment to sanctioned applicants while several applicants are awaiting approval despite having submitted relevant documents. “We receive numerous inquiries daily but other than assuring the applicants about the release of payment, we are helpless,” the source said.

The circumstan­ces could be due to a drastic reduction of fund allocation­s over two financial years. Official records indicate an allocation of Rs 10,000 lakh in 2019-20 that rose to Rs 12,390 lakh in 2020

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