The Free Press Journal

IUML pressures Cong to skip Mandir event


Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), a major constituen­t of the Congress-led United Democratic Front in Kerala, is mounting pressure on the Congress to keep away from the installati­on of idols at the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya in the interest of secularism in the country.

League leaders met at an emergency session and issued a statement which hoped that the Congress leadership would adopt a secular stand on the issue. They, however, said the party’s stand was not directed against any religion and that parties must see through the political game of the BJP.

IUML leader Kunhalikut­ty pointed out that the ruling BJP was using the Ram Mandir event as the launch of the party’s election campaign. All political parties must realise this game plan, he added.

But he said IUML believes that it is up to each party to take a decision in this regard and hopes all secular parties will decide accordingl­y.

At the same time, the League is conscious of the risk of the party’s stand being interprete­d in a communal angle. Hence, the party has made it clear that it respects the feelings of the believers of religions and their followers.

IUML president Sadiq Ali Shihab Thangal added that the party was only opposing the use of the event for political purposes. The League statement has put a lot of pressure on the Congress party, which is yet to take an unequivoca­l position on the issue.

Invitees to the event from the Congress include Sonia Gandhi, party chief Mallikarju­n Kharge and leader of the opposition Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury.

A leader said BJP was using consecrati­on as a launchpad of party’s election campaign

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