The Free Press Journal

Hindutva is Hindutva, I’m Hindu: Sidda again faces BJP rebuttal


After the controvers­y on lifting of hijab and subsequent­ly doing a course correction, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramai­ah has kicked up another row by claiming that he was a faithful Hindu but was against Hindutva.

Just weeks after he claimed that he was an atheist, Siddaramai­ah tried to steal the wind from BJP’s sail by claiming that he worshipped Lord Ram. Addressing a Congress event in Bengaluru, he said: “Don’t we worship Ram? Are they (the BJP) the only ones? Haven’t we built Ram Mandirs? Don’t we sing Ram Bhajans?

“People sing bhajans during the last week of December... I used to partake in that tradition in our village. This is practiced in other villages too. Are they (the BJP) the only ones? Aren’t we Hindus?

“I am a Hindu. Hindutva is different and Hindu is different,” he said, adding, “Hindutva is Hindutva and there is a big difference between being a Hindu and following Hindutva ideology.”

He also had a take on “soft Hindutva” — seen as a political strategy to win moderate Hindu votes without losing those from minorities.

In a sarcastic note, he asked “'Soft' Hindutva? What is ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ Hindutva?”

Significan­tly, Siddaramai­ah’s respect for Lord Ram and Hinduism comes ahead of the consecrati­on of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on January 22 and the BJP in the state has started gaining traction over the upcoming event.

Siddaramai­ah’s comments are seen by political experts as an attempt to woo the moderate Hindus ahead of the Lok Sabha election in a state that has historical­ly rarely voted for the same party in successive Assembly and Lok Sabha elections.

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