The Free Press Journal

Jaishankar pays tribute to Tagore at a school in Russia


Far away from India, famous poet Rabindrana­th Tagore’s legacy has been celebrated at an eponymous school in Russia’s St Petersburg.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar visited School no 653 in St Petersburg, named after the legendary Nobel laureate Tagore. The visit occurred on Friday as a part of Jaishankar's five-day diplomatic sojourn in Russia.

It not only celebrated the enduring legacy of Tagore but also underscore­d the deep cultural ties between India and Russia.

Taking to social media platform X, Jaishankar shared a video capturing the warm welcome he received from students dressed in a blend of Indian and Russian traditiona­l attire. The students, exuding passion for India, presented the minister with a traditiona­l delicacy, showcasing the cultural exchange at the heart of the diplomatic visit.

During his visit, Jaishankar paid homage to a statue of Tagore on the school premises. The symbolic gesture highlighte­d the profound influence of Tagore's legacy, emphasisin­g the enduring connection between the two nations.

Tagore's time in Russia, chronicled in his book 'Letters From Russia', continues to serve as a bridge between Indian and Russian cultures.

The visit also featured a cultural programme, further cementing the bonds between India and Russia. The exchange showcased both nations' cultural heritage richness, fostering a deeper understand­ing between the students and dignitarie­s present.

Expressing gratitude on X, Jaishankar acknowledg­ed the support of St Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov in enhancing economic cooperatio­n and people-to-people exchanges. The diplomatic efforts aim to strengthen the ties that bind the two nations in a collaborat­ive journey toward shared prosperity.

 ?? ?? External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar fosters Indo-Russian ties at St Petersburg school named after Tagore, honouring the poet’s legacy
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar fosters Indo-Russian ties at St Petersburg school named after Tagore, honouring the poet’s legacy

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