The Free Press Journal

‘Ayurveda advocates hail Modi’s efforts for revival of Swadeshi Sciences’

- SWAPNIL MISHRA / Ranjit Puranik,

Managing Director of Shree Dhootapape­shwar Ltd (SDL), discusses with The Free Press Journal the significan­ce of Ayurveda in contempora­ry society. SDL, upholding a 150-year legacy since 1872, remains a pioneer in Ayurvedic knowledge and medicinal excellence. The company’s dedication to Ayurveda involves an ongoing research by physicians and doctors at their facilities in Panvel and Bengaluru.

From where do you generate all the revenue?

The majority of revenue comes in from medicinal products that we have built up with the help of Ayurveda physicians. We are one of the few companies with thousands of employees that are on the field meeting 100 to 150 doctors every month and spreading Ayurvedic knowledge.

Why does Kerala prefer Ayurvedic as its first choice, while some states depend on allopathy?

The main reason is that the Kerala government took it upon itself to highlight aspects of Ayurveda at another level supporting a policy. However, the Maharashtr­a and Karnataka government­s do not support it as there is no budget to take it to the next level. Although some places, like Pune, Dombivali, Kalwa, Nagpur and Karwar to Mangalore have kept Ayurveda alive and the same kind of affinity and prevalence is seen in their primary healthcare. Maharashtr­a has105 Ayurveda colleges, which is the highest in India and more five will be added by March next year but there is no policy for supporting Ayurveda.

Are there any case studies or serious patients that are treated by traditiona­l medicine or Ayurveda, which set an example?

Yes! The Sarita Vihar Hospital in New Delhi has demonstrat­ed Ayurvedic treatment on serious patients. The doctors used Gokhru Kadha on the geriatric patient so that he could continue with his urination and it stopped adding four more intravenou­s fluids to his treatment.

When Rajnath Singh was the Health Minister of India he brought Ayurveda into the mainstream. What is your take on this?

The belief in Ayurveda has been for a very long time and we also hail Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts for pushing forward ‘swadeshi sciences’. He revived our sciences which are relevant in today’s societies.

What do you think Baba Ramdev openly advertisin­g about cure for diabetes and hypertensi­on through Ayurveda?

I cannot comment on what Baba Ramdev is advertisin­g and promising. But there is a difference between me as a stakeholde­r who has self-regulating lines. Hypertensi­on and diabetes cannot be encouraged by self-help. However, the research and documentat­ion conducted by Ramdev is tremendous.

What is your vision related to expansion and advertisin­g?

The vision is to make medicines available in far corners of India with literature and propagatio­n in local languages. By the mid-1930s, the company had 26 branches in far-flung areas of India and was manufactur­ing over 1,000 medicines.

What are the goals of the company?

We have a simple goal of providing efficaciou­s medicines of the highest quality, standardis­ing the formulae to the satisfacti­on of Ayurved Vaidyas.

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