The Free Press Journal

MTHL: `2,192 cr cost overrun amid delay

Contractor­s miss two extensions, and the project is still not 100% complete, according to RTI activist Anil Galgali; MMRDA reveals no penalties were imposed on contractor­s for missing deadlines


The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL), the 22-km-long India's longest road bridge, has had a cost overrun of a whopping Rs2192 crore. The contractor­s have missed two extensions and still, the work is not 100 % complete, according to Anil Galgali, a noted Right To Informatio­n (RTI) activist.

The Mumbai Metropolit­an Regional Developmen­t Authority (MMRDA) informed Galgali that no penalty had been imposed on the contractor­s for meeting even the extended deadlines. The mega project is likely to be inaugurate­d by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 12, but there is no confirmati­on of the date from the PMO.

In a document made available to Anil Galgali by the MMRDA administra­tion, the overall physical progress of packages 1, 2 and 3 of the project is 98.92%. In comparison, the physical progress of package four is 82%. The average

Overall physical progress at 98.92%, but package four lags at 82%. The average project progress is 98.41%

Project expected to be completed by December 2023, with increased costs attributed to delays

physical progress of the total project is 98.41%. The project is expected to be completed by December end 2023. According to Galgali, the cost has increased due to non-completion of the work on time. “This is the fault of the contractor­s. Instead of paying the increased amount, it would be more appropriat­e to impose a fine instead,” he added. He said the Rs2,192 crore increase in expenditur­e was very high. The said project is being implemente­d with the loan assistance of the Japan Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n Agency (JICA). The contract price of the consortium was Rs7,637.30 crore. This has now increased by Rs9,99.67 crore. The original expenditur­e was Rs14,712.70 crore, which has increased by Rs2,192.73 crore. Contractor­s missed two extensions. The work was expected to be completed on September 22, 2022. The MMRDA administra­tion gave the first extension upto September 22, 2023. After this, December 15, 2023 was the second extension. However, the work is still not done, Galgali noted.

Although expected to be inaugurate­d by Narendra Modi on January 12, there is no official confirmati­on from the PMO

Consortium’s contract price rises from `7,637.30 crore to `9,99.67 crore, causing project expenditur­e to surge by `2,192.73 crore

The project is implemente­d with the loan assistance of Japan Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n Agency

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