Millennium Post

Every dimension of Great Nicobar Infra Project has seen ‘malpractic­e’: Congress


The Congress on Monday cited a media report to allege that it was becoming increasing­ly clear that every dimension of the Great Nicobar Infra Project had seen “irregulari­ties and malpractic­e”.

Congress general secretary in charge of communicat­ions Jairam Ramesh posted an Indian Express report that said residents of Great Nicobar Island who would be affected by land acquisitio­n for the greenfield internatio­nal airport project had raised demands for a fair and comprehens­ive compensati­on package after a social impact assessment report was submitted before the Union Territory administra­tion last month. The proposed project -- part of the

Rs 72,000-crore Great Nicobar Infrastruc­ture Project -- comprises a transshipm­ent port, greenfield internatio­nal Airport, power plant, township and allied developmen­ts.

There are many shortcomin­gs in the social impact assessment conducted in advance of land acquisitio­n for the “ecological and humanitari­an disaster” that is the Great Nicobar Infra Project, Ramesh said while citing the report.

It makes no mention of the impact of the project on the Great Nicobarese and the Shompen, a Particular­ly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG), he said. The social impact assessment fails to address the impact of greater population and tourist

Ramesh criticises project’s social impact assessment for failing to address effects on local tribes and resources

burden on the island’s strained water resources, Ramesh said.

It does not adequately capture the economic and social effects of displaceme­nt on at least 263 families, mostly descended from ex-servicemen, who have been living on the island for many generation­s now, he said. Asserting that the mega infra project in Great Nicobar Island was a “grave threat” to the natural ecosystem, Ramesh last week urged Union Environmen­t minister Bhupender Yadav to suspend all clearances accorded to the project and called for its thorough and impartial review, including by the Parliament­ary committees concerned.

 ?? PIC/PTI ?? Jairam Ramesh
PIC/PTI Jairam Ramesh

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