Millennium Post

Mayor playing ‘politics’ over garbage disposal issue: MCD Commission­er


A day after Mayor Shelly Oberoi pulled up MCD commission­er Ashwani Kumar over the “worsening condition” of garbage disposal in the city, he hit back and accused her of playing “politics” over the issue.

Kumar further alleged that the delay in forming the standing committee, the highest decision-making body of the Municipal Corporatio­n of Delhi, has further resulted in many other projects being put on hold.

“The mayor is just playing politics. They have done nothing to secure the corporatio­n’s financial dues from the Delhi government, leaving the MCD in deep financial distress,” Kumar told news agency.

Oberoi on Sunday slammed the MCD commission­er over the “worsening condition” of garbage disposal in the entire Delhi, especially in West Zone and Central Zone and directed him to ensure better collection and clearance of waste.

For the past few days, garbage collection in these areas has been irregular, resulting in an accumulati­on of waste on streets and bins, she said in her letter.

The stench from decomposin­g waste is unbearable, Oberoi said.

Oberoi said she has brought this to the commission­er’s

notice many times but no progress has been made.

In the letter, she directed Kumar to accompany her for daily inspection­s from August 20 to September 2 to the 12 zones of the MCD to ensure proper cleanlines­s and sanitation.

“Garbage collection and disposal will be the personal responsibi­lity of the MCD commission­er, who will be held responsibl­e for any unsanitary conditions in any part of the city,” Oberoi said.

According to an official, the extended contract period of the garbage disposal concession­aire in the Central Delhi zone ended on July 25.

In the West Delhi zone, the civic body is facing paymentrel­ated issues with the hired agency.

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