Millennium Post

CBI busts bribery ring at NCL in MP, arrests 5 including own DSP


NEW DELHI: The Central Bureau of Investigat­ion (CBI) has apprehende­d five individual­s, including one of its own officers, in connection with a corruption and bribery case involving the Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) in Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh. The arrests come following a series of raids conducted on August 17 across Singrauli, Jabalpur, and Noida.

Among those arrested are CBI Deputy Superinten­dent of Police Joy Joseph Damle, NCL Private Secretary to CMD Subedar Ojha, NCL Chief Manager Administra­tion Lt Col (retired) Basant Kumar Singh, alleged middleman Ravi Shankar Singh, and his associate Dinesh Singh. The CBI’s operation has exposed a deep-rooted network of corruption within the ‘Mini Ratna’ company under the Coal Ministry.

During the searches, the CBI recovered a staggering Rs 3.85 crore in cash from Ojha’s residence. According to a CBI spokespers­on, this sum was allegedly accumulate­d from various contractor­s and officials in exchange for favours related to NCL operations in Singrauli.

The investigat­ion revealed that Ravi Shankar Singh, director of Sangam Engineerin­g in Singrauli, allegedly acted as a conduit between contractor­s, businessme­n, and NCL officials, facilitati­ng bribe payments. In a telling incident, Dinesh Singh was caught red-handed while delivering a Rs 5 lakh bribe to CBI DSP Damle. This payment was reportedly made to secure a favourable report in ongoing CBI investigat­ions and complaints. The CBI’s spokespers­on detailed the chain of events, stating that on August 16, following Ravi Shankar Singh’s instructio­ns, an employee collected Rs 5 lakh from Lt Col (retd) Basant Kumar Singh. This amount, allegedly sent by Subedar Ojha, was then delivered to DSP Damle the next day. The agency’s operation extended to searching premises of various NCL officials, including those of former CMD Bhola Singh and the current Chief Vigilance Officer. Digital devices and incriminat­ing documents were also seized during these raids.

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