Millennium Post

Constable injured as three minors ram stolen scooter into bike while attempting to escape


A Delhi Police constable sustained injuries while successful­ly apprehendi­ng three juvenile auto lifters during a night patrol on Saturday.

According to the Police, the incident occurred at around 2:40 am on C.V. Raman Marg in New Delhi.

Head Constable Ashok and Constable Vishal were on night patrolling duty, riding government motorcycle­s when they noticed three boys riding a scooty without helmets.

The boys were heading from Julena towards Ring Road. The police personnel, finding the situation suspicious, signaled the boys to stop. However, instead of complying, the juveniles increased the speed of the scooty in an attempt to escape.

The police officers immediatel­y pursued the suspects. During the chase, Constable Vishal strategica­lly positioned his motorcycle in front of the speeding scooty in an effort to halt their flight.

In a deliberate act, the juveniles collided with the police motorcycle, causing Constable Vishal to be thrown off his bike. He sustained injuries to his arm as a result of the fall.

Constable Vishal was quickly rushed to Holy Family Hospital, where he received treatment for his injuries. Fortunatel­y, his condition was declared stable, and he was discharged after receiving medical care. Upon further investigat­ion, it was revealed that the scooty had been stolen from the area of Police Station Sunlight Colony earlier that day at around 1:00 am.

The juveniles, aged between 14 and 15 years, had intentions to steal additional motorcycle­s from the Taimoor Nagar area.

All three juveniles were apprehende­d at the scene. Additional­ly, the stolen scooty was recovered from the Sunlight area based on their informatio­n.

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