Millennium Post

Delhi Mayor pulls up MCD Commission­er over garbage disposal


Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi has issued a stern rebuke to the Municipal Corporatio­n of Delhi (MCD) Commission­er in response to increasing complaints about irregular garbage disposal in the city. Over the past few days, residents have reported significan­t waste accumulati­on on Delhi’s streets, exacerbati­ng public health concerns.

In a direct communicat­ion, Oberoi has instructed the MCD Commission­er to ensure immediate and efficient garbage collection and disposal throughout Delhi.

She emphasised the need for strong action against officials failing to manage waste properly.

Furthermor­e, she has mandated that the Commission­er accompany her on daily inspection­s from August 20th to September 2nd across all 12 MCD Zones to verify cleanlines­s and sanitation.

Expressing frustratio­n with the ongoing situation, she stated that despite multiple requests for on-site inspection­s and interventi­on, progress has been minimal. She criticised the current scenario as a “blame game” between MCD officials and waste management contractor­s, rather than a solution-oriented approach.

In her letter to the Commission­er, Oberoi highlighte­d the severe conditions in the West and Central Zones, where overflowin­g bins and foul odours have become a distressin­g issue.

She emphasised that unsanitary conditions are raising disease risks and announced that the MCD Commission­er will be personally responsibl­e for garbage collection and disposal.

Oberoi stated the Commission­er will be held accountabl­e for any lapses in waste management.

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