Millennium Post

CM Yadav to discuss advantages of investing in Madhya Pradesh with industrial­ists in Bengaluru on Aug 7-8

Madhya Pradesh received investment proposals worth approximat­ely Rs 3,200 crore from 11 companies


Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Thursday said that the state actively invites industrial­ists to explore industry and investment opportunit­ies, prioritisi­ng support, guidance, and incentives.

CM Yadav was addressing industrial­ists in Karnataka’s Bengaluru during an ‘Invest Madhya Pradesh: Interactiv­e Session on Investment Opportunit­ies’ as part of roadto-GIS-25 scheduled on 7-8 February in Bhopal of the state.

Yadav remarked that India has long been known as the “Sone ki Chidiya” due to its entreprene­urial spirit, systematic work ethic, and commitment to human values. He emphasised that India’s global identity is a testament to its entreprene­urship, intelligen­ce, imaginatio­n, and business acumen.

“Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has emerged as one of the world’s top five economies, leveraging its vast

resources and intellectu­al capacity”, the CM said.

He also acknowledg­ed the significan­t contributi­ons of industrial­ists in this achievemen­t. The session began with the screening of the ‘Advantage MP’ film, showcasing the state’s investment potential. Yadav inaugurate­d the event in the presence of notable figures such as Manipal Group chairman Mohandas Pai, Greenco Group chairman Anil Chalamaset­ty, and LAPP India chief operating and technology officer Shiva Venkataram­ani. Madhya

Pradesh CII Vice President and managing director of Infobeans Limited, Siddharth Sethi, highlighte­d the state’s favourable industrial environmen­t and investment opportunit­ies.

The Chief Minister explained that the Madhya Pradesh government is committed to providing support and guidance to entreprene­urs and industries, ensuring balanced progress across all sectors.

He said that MP offers significan­t opportunit­ies in IT, renewable energy, tourism, healthcare, education, MSMEs,

and food processing sectors, leading in agricultur­e with the highest growth rate, wheat procuremen­t, and pulses production in the country.

During the event, the state government signed MoUs with four major organisati­ons: India Electronic­s and Semiconduc­tor Associatio­n, TiE Global, Electronic Industries Associatio­n of India, and Associatio­n of Geo-Spatial Industries. The state received investment proposals worth approximat­ely Rs 3,200 crore from 11 companies, including LAPP India,

AGI Glass Pack, Coca-Cola, etc in electrical, manufactur­ing, food processing, metals, textiles, packaging, and IT.

Speaking at a round table meeting, CM Yadav assured industrial­ists in the IT, ITES, and ESDM sectors of full support and necessary facilities. CM Yadav pledged full support for establishi­ng and developing Global Capability Centres in MP. He assured investors that cities across the state will be equipped with infrastruc­ture and facilities on par with tier-1 cities like Bengaluru, creating a favourable ecosystem for it. At the meeting, Infosys, NASSCOM Cognizant and TCS companies representa­tives expressed a wish to establish units in MP.

During the event, presentati­ons showcased the state’s investment potential, including its abundant resources, skilled workforce, and favourable industrial environmen­t.

Industry leaders Shiv Venkataram­ani of LAPP, who has been operating a cable manufactur­ing industry in Rajgarh since 2012, and Mohandas Pai, a prominent figure in the IT, education and finance sectors shared their experience­s. They expressed confidence that Madhya Pradesh is poised to become a major centre of industrial activity in India, highlighti­ng the state’s industry-friendly policies, infrastruc­ture, and trained human resources.

Earlier on Wednesday, CM Yadav visited the Hindustan Aeronautic Limited in Bengaluru and invited the company to set up an aerospace or defence unit in Madhya Pradesh.

 ?? PIC/MPOST ?? MP Chief Minister Mohan Yadav interactin­g one-to-one with an industrial­ist during an interactiv­e session on investment opportunit­ies held in Bengaluru on Thursday
PIC/MPOST MP Chief Minister Mohan Yadav interactin­g one-to-one with an industrial­ist during an interactiv­e session on investment opportunit­ies held in Bengaluru on Thursday

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