Millennium Post

‘Despite obstacles, quality edu to children will continue unabated’


Despite significan­t political and logistical challenges, the Delhi government led by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal remains steadfast in its commitment to revolution­ising the city’s educationa­l infrastruc­ture. The Arvind Kejriwal government has embarked on an ambitious initiative to build 14 new schools across Delhi, enhancing the learning environmen­t for thousands of students.

In a recent digital press conference, Education minister Atishi highlighte­d the ongoing efforts and achievemen­ts of the Kejriwal administra­tion in transformi­ng Delhi’s educationa­l landscape. She pointed out the stark contrast between past and present infrastruc­ture, stating, “Many government­s came and went since independen­ce till 2014 but only 24,000 rooms were built in Delhi schools.” In comparison, the current government has constructe­d 22,711 rooms in just ten years, from 2015 to 2024.

Atishi underscore­d the significan­t improvemen­ts made in government schools under the Delhi government, emphasisin­g that the new infrastruc­ture surpasses that of many private schools. “We equipped our schools with all facilities including smart boards, good labs, libraries, sports facilities, and excellent desks, today children studying in Delhi government schools are getting better infrastruc­ture than private schools,” she said. This modernisat­ion effort reflects a broader commitment to providing quality education to all students, irrespecti­ve of their socioecono­mic background.

The minister also provided an update on the ongoing constructi­on projects, noting that 14 new schools are being built in various parts of Delhi. These new facilities are set to include modern classrooms, advanced laboratori­es, and comprehens­ive libraries, addressing the previously inadequate conditions in many schools. “New classrooms and academic blocks are being built in schools where there was a shortage of classrooms, currently, 1,541 new rooms are being built in Kejriwal government schools across Delhi,” Atishi confirmed.

Atishi did not shy away from addressing the political climate surroundin­g these efforts. She criticised the central government for allegedly attempting to undermine the Kejriwal government’s achievemen­ts. “BJP-ruled Central government cannot provide world-class infrastruc­ture in government schools like Arvind Kejriwal, so they put him in jail in a false case,” she asserted.

Despite these obstacles, Atishi expressed confidence in the continuati­on of the education reforms, stating, “BJP may have put Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia in jail, but work of providing good infrastruc­ture to children studying in Delhi government schools is ongoing and will continue.” The new schools being constructe­d include facilities in Rohini, Sunder Nagri, Dwarka, Kirari, and several other areas, with specific projects such as Rohini Sector-27 featuring 72 rooms, and F-1, F-2 Block Sunder Nagri offering 148 rooms. Each of these schools is designed to meet high standards, contributi­ng to the broader vision of providing top-tier educationa­l facilities across Delhi.

In conclusion, the Kejriwal government remains committed to advancing the quality of education in Delhi.

‘We equipped our schools with all facilities including smart boards, good labs, libraries, sports facilities, and excellent desks, today children studying in Delhi govt schools are getting better infrastruc­ture than private schools’

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