Millennium Post

Coffee culture and hospitalit­y

- The writer is a freelance travel journalist

Colombia is renowned for its coffee, and Filandia is no exception. My first stop was a traditiona­l coffee farm, where I met Don Francisco, a third-generation coffee farmer. His enthusiasm for his craft was evident as he guided me through the coffeemaki­ng process, from picking the ripe cherries to roasting the beans. Tasting the freshly brewed coffee, rich and aromatic, was an experience

I’ll never forget.

Don Francisco’s hospitalit­y extended beyond the farm. That evening, he invited me to his home for dinner with his family. The warmth and kindness of the Colombian people were on full display as we shared stories over a hearty meal of bandeja paisa, a traditiona­l dish of beans, rice, pork, plantain, and avocado. The meal was a celebratio­n of local flavours and genuine human connection.

Filandia is surrounded by breathtaki­ng natural beauty, and exploring its landscapes was a highlight of my trip. One morning, I joined a guided tour to the Barbas Bremen Nature Reserve. The reserve, with its dense forests and diverse wildlife, felt like a hidden paradise. As we hiked through the trails, our guide, Maria, pointed out various birds, including the striking Andean


One particular moment stands out: while resting by a waterfall, we encountere­d a troop of howler monkeys swinging through the trees. Their calls echoed through the forest, creating a symphony of nature that was both thrilling and serene. Maria’s passion for conservati­on and her deep knowledge of the local ecosystem added a layer of appreciati­on to the experience.

Filandia is also known for its artisan crafts, particular­ly basket weaving. I visited the workshop of Doña Rosa, a master weaver who has been practicing her craft for over five decades. Watching her nimble fingers transform strands of fique (a local plant fibre) into intricate baskets was mesmerizin­g. She patiently taught me the basics, and while my attempts were far from perfect, the experience was deeply fulfilling.

Doña Rosa’s stories of the town’s history and traditions were as captivatin­g as her craft. She spoke of the annual celebratio­ns, the music, and the dances that bring the community together. Her pride in her heritage was evident, and it made me appreciate the richness of Filandia’s culture even more.

Colombian cuisine is diverse and flavourful, and Filandia offers a delightful culinary journey. At a local eatery, I tried sancocho, a hearty stew made with meat, vegetables, and herbs. The flavours were comforting and familiar, yet distinct. The owner, Señora Carmen, shared that the secret to a good sancocho is slow cooking and fresh, local ingredient­s.

Another culinary highlight was visiting a small bakery famous for its arepas. These cornmeal cakes, filled with cheese, meat, or vegetables, were a perfect snack. The baker, an elderly gentleman named Juan, revealed that the recipe had been passed down through generation­s, each adding their own twist.

As my days in Filandia drew to a close, I spent an evening at the Mirador Colina Iluminada, a lookout point offering panoramic views of the town and the surroundin­g landscape. Watching the sunset over the rolling hills, with the sky painted in hues of orange and pink, was a moment of pure tranquilli­ty.

But it was the people of Filandia who truly made my journey unforgetta­ble. From Don Francisco’s warm hospitalit­y to Doña Rosa’s masterful weaving, Maria’s passionate guidance, and the culinary delights shared by Señora Carmen and Juan, each encounter enriched my experience.

Returning to Delhi, I carried with me more than just memories of beautiful landscapes and delicious food. Filandia had gifted me a deeper understand­ing of Colombian culture, a sense of connection with its people, and a renewed appreciati­on for the simple joys of life. This small town, with its big heart, had left an indelible mark on my soul.

Filandia is not just a destinatio­n; it is a journey into the heart of Colombia, a place where time slows down, and every moment is savoured. For those seeking a blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and genuine human warmth, Filandia is a treasure waiting to be discovered.

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Andean Cock-of-the-rock
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