Millennium Post

India: Certain countries use terrorism as state policy instrument


UNITED NATIONS/ DELHI: India has called for shunning double standards in the fight against terrorism and said certain countries are using terrorism as an instrument of state policy, in a veiled jibe at Pakistan.

“When we talk about internatio­nal peace and security, you will agree that terrorism constitute­s one of the most serious threats,” R Ravindra, Charge d’Affaires and Deputy Permanent Representa­tive in India’s Permanent Mission to the UN said.

“We must, therefore, shun double standards in our fight against terrorism,” he said.

Ravindra was speaking in the UN Security Council Friday on ‘Cooperatio­n between the UN and the Regional and Sub-Regional Organisati­ons in Maintenanc­e of Internatio­nal Peace and Security: The Collective Security Treaty Organisati­on (CSTO), The Commonweal­th of Independen­t States (CIS), The Shanghai Cooperatio­n Organisati­on (SCO). In a veiled reference to Pakistan, he said that certain countries are using terrorism as an instrument of state policy. “Such an approach has the potential to affect cooperatio­n in multilater­al platforms including at the SCO,” he said.

Pakistan is a member of the Beijing-based Shanghai Cooperatio­n Organisati­on.

Ravindra underlined that the internatio­nal community must reaffirm its resolve to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestat­ions and “we must crackdown on all forms of support to terrorism, including its financing.”

He emphasised the need for full implementa­tion of the UNSC resolution and targeted

sanctions on terrorist individual­s and entities to counter terrorism effectivel­y.

On this, he noted that leaders of SCO agreed in the Astana Declaratio­n adopted earlier this month that the internatio­nal community must isolate and expose those countries that harbour terrorists, provide them with safe haven and condone terrorism. Similarly, “We should also take proactive steps to prevent the spread of radicalisa­tion among our youth,” he said. The joint statement on the subject of radicalisa­tion issued during India’s SCO chairship in 2023 symbolises Delhi’s shared commitment to the fight against radicalisa­tion, he said. He stressed that India accords high priority to the consolidat­ion of trust in the security domain within SCO as well as strengthen­ing ties with SCO partners based on “equality, respect and mutual understand­ing.”

Noting that India attaches great importance to SCO for peace, security, stability and economic developmen­t in the region, Ravindra said this was evident from India’s successful presidency of SCO in 2022-23.

He said that in the backdrop of increasing regional

conflicts with new and complex security challenges, the SCO-Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) is playing a significan­t role in strengthen­ing cooperatio­n among the member states.

“We need to further strengthen the role of SCO-RATS in the fight against the three evils of terrorism, separatism and extremism”.

India has also consistent­ly advocated respect for sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity for connectivi­ty and infrastruc­ture projects. Recognisin­g the centrality of Central Asia to SCO, India has prioritise­d the interests and aspiration­s of Central Asia. In the spirit of India’s cooperatio­n and support to the Central Asian region, India has offered a one billion dollar Line of Credit for priority developmen­tal projects. India is also providing grant assistance for the implementa­tion of High Impact Community Developmen­t Projects (HICDP) for furthering socioecono­mic developmen­t in the countries of the region.

“We have created the IndiaCentr­al Asia Dialogue platform for strengthen­ing cooperatio­n between India and the Central Asian countries,” he said.

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