Millennium Post

CM’s health condition worrying: AAP


Senior AAP leader Atishi has raised serious concerns over the health of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, alleging that the BJP is orchestrat­ing a “sinister plot” to jeopardise his well-being through politicall­y motivated actions. Following Kejriwal’s recent bail from the Enforcemen­t Directorat­e (ED) in what AAP calls a fabricated case, he was arrested again by the Central Bureau of Investigat­ion (CBI), prompting fears for his health in Tihar jail.

Atishi stated, “The BJP knew that after the trial court, Arvind Kejriwal would get bail from the Supreme Court too, so they got him arrested in CBI’s fake case.” She expressed alarm over Kejriwal’s declining medical condition, revealing that his blood sugar levels have plummeted below 50 multiple times during the night. “Such a drop in sugar level can lead to brain stroke and coma,” Atishi warned, emphasizin­g the dangerous nature of hypoglycae­mia.

The Delhi Minister characteri­zed these actions as part of a broader strategy reminiscen­t of dictatoria­l regimes, stating, “Dictators try to kill their opponents by harming their health, same is happening with Arvind Kejriwal in Tihar today.” Atishi directly attributed responsibi­lity for any adverse health outcomes to the BJP, declaring, “If anything happens to Arvind Kejriwal in jail, the BJP will be responsibl­e for it.”

At the press conference, health experts Dr. Sandeep Kumar and Dr. Nimmi Rastogi corroborat­ed Atishi’s claims, stressing that a sugar level below 50 poses a “red alert” for any patient. Dr. Rastogi warned, “If the sugar level goes below 50, the patient can die within just 20 to 30 minutes,” highlighti­ng the severity of the situation facing Kejriwal. Atishi recounted how Kejriwal’s condition has been further exacerbate­d by a lack of medical supervisio­n in jail, noting that he has lost 8.5 kg since March 21. “The day ED arrested him, his weight was 70 kg, and now he is 61.5 kg. Such rapid and unexplaine­d weight loss is a sign of precarious diseases,” she stated. Describing the BJP’s actions as more than just an attempt to imprison Kejriwal, Atishi accused the party of trying to harm his health intentiona­lly. “This has happened again and again in history, how dictators put their opposition leaders in jail and try to take their lives,” she asserted. Kejriwal’s health struggles have raised significan­t concerns, especially given his long-standing battle with diabetes. Atishi stated, “Arvind Kejriwal has been suffering from acute diabetes for 30 years.” She added that his health condition necessitat­es immediate and consistent medical attention, which she claims has been denied in jail.

Dr. Nimmi Rastogi emphasized the need for proper care, asserting, “In such a situation, if the patient does not get a proper diet, or medicine and is also stressed, then it can prove to be very fatal.” In light of these events, Atishi implored the BJP to reconsider their actions, declaring, “If something happens to Arvind Kejriwal’s health, not only this country but even God will not forgive them.”

As the situation unfolds, the AAP continues to call for immediate interventi­on to ensure Kejriwal’s health is safeguarde­d, emphasisin­g that the current crisis reflects broader issues of political power struggles affecting public servants in India.

The Aam Aadmi Party has voiced strong opposition to the actions of the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, accusing him of illegally ordering the felling of 1,100 trees in the Satbari ridge area. AAP’s chief spokespers­on, Priyanka Kakkar, referred to the L-G as a “killer of trees,” claiming that this action directly undermines the Kejriwal government’s efforts to make Delhi a pollution-free city. At a press conference on Sunday, Kakkar highlighte­d the government’s significan­t strides in tackling pollution over the last decade. She pointed out that all 1,700 industries in Delhi have been converted to operate on PNG fuel, contributi­ng to a cleaner environmen­t. “The AAP government here has built 1,800 charging stations so far and subsidy is available on purchase of electric vehicles,” she stated, noting that Delhi now has the highest number of electric vehicles in the country.

Kakkar further explained the comprehens­ive measures taken by the government, including the introducti­on of 1,800 electric buses and the provision of 24-hour electricit­y to reduce reliance on generators. She emphasised the government’s commitment to increasing Delhi’s green cover, which has reached approximat­ely 24 per cent due to the planting of over 2 crore trees in the past four years. The government is also developing city forests in various locations, including Shastri Park and Jaunapur. Despite these efforts, Kakkar condemned the L-G’s actions, stating, “An order of the Supreme Court is required to cut even a single tree there.” She accused the L-G of misleading the Supreme Court and the public about the tree felling, demanding to know, “For the benefit of which capitalist friend did the L-G himself go and give these directions?”

Kakkar also called attention to previous instances of tree cutting, highlighti­ng that the L-G had allowed significan­t tree removals in colonies like East Kidwai Nagar and Nauroji Nagar, without fulfilling the legal requiremen­t to plant compensato­ry saplings.

The BJP knew that after the trial court, Arvind Kejriwal would get bail from the SC too, so they got him arrested in CBI’s fake case — Atishi

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