Millennium Post

Lifeyoga: A sanctuary for healthy living


Ever since COVID-19 hit the globe in 2020, people spent some of their time doing yoga in their homes through online classes. But now they can forget boring online yoga, for ‘Lifeyoga’ offers a fun and uplifting way to practice. People can ditch the screen, join supportive group classes and find their yoga tribes amid Malcha Marg’s greenery in New Delhi. ‘LifeYoga’ is about building connection­s, self-discovery and making yoga a joyful part of their lives. Engulfed in a canopy of peepal and banyan trees, ‘Lifeyoga’ seamlessly blends into the thicket of Malcha Marg market in the diplomatic district of Chanakyapu­ri. This immersive yoga centre, the first of its kind in India, seeks to enrich urban daily life with a regular yoga practice that’s as much a community activity as it’s a deeply personal journey.

At the helm of ‘Lifeyoga’ are co-founders Varun Veer and Tanu Singh, teachers and lifelong practition­ers of yoga with over 60 years of combined experience. Together, this husbandwif­e duo infuses the brand with their strong, very distinct personalit­ies and shared love for the practice.

Led by Tanu Singh, the programmin­g is as diverse as the community it caters to. Open seven days a week from the wee hours of the morning until after hours, students can pick from multiple schools of yoga; think ‘Hatha’, ‘Hot’, ‘Vinyasa’, ‘Ashtanga’, ‘Power’, ‘Sculpt’, ‘Suksham’, ‘Meditation’ and ‘Pranayama’, their very own ‘Yoga Relay’ and so much more. The programmin­g, inclusive and all-encompassi­ng, caters to multiple intensitie­s ‘Simple, Moderate’, ‘Challengin­g’ - and boasts a benefit-based system that allows students to focus or divide their practice into grounding, movement, release, balance or specialise­d routines.

The sprawling centre spans 10,000+ square feet across three floors and is reflective of the nuances of yoga practice: hidden lighting in coffered ceilings to aid meditation, mirrored studios equipped with Iyengar walls and aerial hooks for physical practice and a ‘kriya’ square on the terrace for deep cleansing from within. The founders partnered with ‘Studio Lotus’, an awardwinni­ng design studio, to commit their ethos to permanence.

Nothing short of a sanctuary, the centre exudes elegance in simplicity. The five bespoke studios - ‘Ekam’, ‘Dwe’, ‘Trini’, ‘Chattvaari’ and ‘Panchah’ - are named after the Sanskrit numbers and each studio is kitted out with high-quality equipment and props to enhance one’s practice. The facilities and services go the extra mile with a ‘Treated Fresh Air’ (TFA) filter system, shower, changing and steam rooms, lockers with charging points and a curated lifestyle experience on the ground floor; a wellness-led eatery, retail store and grocery store. While the ground floor is open to walk-ins, the individual studios are exclusivel­y reserved for members and those attending Lifeyoga’s many workshops.

This immersive yoga centre seeks to enrich urban daily life with a regular yoga practice

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