Millennium Post

DRI seizes contraband­s worth `3,500 crore in FY24, narcotic drugs & gold major contributo­rs


NEW DELHI: Revenue Intelligen­ce officers have seized contraband­s worth Rs 3,500 crore in 2023-24 fiscal, with narcotic drugs and gold seizures constituti­ng a major chunk, a top official said on Thursday.

Directorat­e of Revenue Intelligen­ce Principal DG Mohan Kumar Singh said infiltrati­on of supply chains has emerged as a significan­t challenge in curbing smuggling.

Also, growing use of air passenger, courier and postal cargo for smuggling of drugs and other contraband­s remains a concern.

“In FY 2023-24, DRI detected 623 smuggling cases, almost an average of 2 cases per day, with seizure of contraband­s of Rs 3,500 crore. The seizure of narcotics drugs and psychotrop­ic substances constitute a major part of it, followed by seizure of gold,” Singh said at a Ficci seminar on global challenges of illicit trade and way forward.

According to sources, DRI has seized 1,658 kg of gold in 2023-24 fiscal, about 35 per cent more compared to a year ago.

Singh was delivering the inaugural address at a seminar organised by FICCI Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfei­ting Destroying the Economy (CASCADE) in New Delhi.

Singh said during the fiscal, DRI has also kept a watch to curb smuggling of cigarettes, red sanders, fake and foreign currency, and wildlife products.

He said since illicit border trade is transnatio­nal, global cooperatio­n with enforcemen­t agencies and internatio­nal organisati­ons is one of the way forwards to deal with it.

Also, involving relevant stakeholde­rs would help in detecting and curbing smuggling.

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