Millennium Post

First-of-its-kind, Madhya Pradesh to prepare 'Green Skills' workforce for future sustainabi­lity

The directorat­e is also exploring the possibilit­y of introducin­g training for the production of 'Green Cloths' made from sustainabl­e materials like bamboo and banana fibres


In an attempt to sustain the ecosphere, the Directorat­e of Skill Developmen­t, Madhya Pradesh will launch a training programme, Green Sustainabl­e Skilling in the Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) to equip a skilled workforce for future green job needs.

The idea is all set to launch in the four ITIs of the state with the support of local establishm­ents. In the first phase, 216 aspirants will be trained under the programme.

"Keeping in mind the importance of the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs), the programme aims to address the demand for skilled workers in areas like renewable energy, waste management and sustainabl­e agricultur­e", Harshika Singh, the director of Skill Developmen­t, told Millennium Post. "The Green Skills are becoming increasing­ly crucial for the future workforce and therefore, the initiative goes beyond just offering new courses", she said.

The state government is rolling out the first-of-its-kind Green ITIs, aiming to equip our ecosphere with green skilling and prepare apprentice­s for future green job needs, the director informed. The training will be provided through a dual system in which the apprentice­s can earn while learning and getting experience. The programme combines classroom learning with on-the-job, with the partnershi­p of local establishm­ents, she also said. Ten MoUs (Memorandum of Understand­ing) have been signed between the department and the establishm­ents in this regard, the director said.

Under the programme, four new trades are being introduced in the initial phase, Small Hydro Power Plant Technician, Solar Technician and Mechanic Electric Vehicle. "This collaborat­ion will not only increase the programme's capacity to train 216 aspirants but also provide them with valuable on-the-job training opportunit­ies", the director also said. Under the programme, industries will offer stipends and even hostel facilities to support trainees during their practical training. Additional­ly, the directorat­e is transformi­ng selected ITIs into green Industrial training institutes by incorporat­ing sustainabl­e practices on campus, such as landscapin­g, waste management and energy efficiency", Singh said.

The directorat­e is also exploring the possibilit­y of introducin­g training for the production of "Green Cloths" made from sustainabl­e materials like bamboo and banana fibres by signing flexy MoUs with industries. This initiative demonstrat­es the commitment to promoting environmen­tally conscious practices through the state's skill developmen­t programmes.

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