Millennium Post

AIIMS Delhi performs India’s first successful foetal blood transfusio­n


A woman who previously suffered seven failed pregnancie­s has recently delivered a healthy child with the help of doctors at AIIMS Delhi after they successful­ly treated her foetus suffering from a rare blood disorder through the transfusio­n of O D phenotype red cell units brought all the way from Japan.

This medical achievemen­t marks the first procedure of its kind in India and only the eighth case reported globally, according to the doctors of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).

The patient, hailing from Haryana, had previously endured seven unsuccessf­ul pregnancie­s. In her eighth pregnancy, after receiving six foetal blood transfusio­ns, she gave birth to a healthy baby, the hospital said in a statement. Both mother and newborn have since been discharged in good health, the doctors said.

The incompatib­ility between the red blood cells of the mother and the baby can lead to severe complicati­ons for the unborn child such as anaemia, jaundice, heart failure, and even fetal death, explained Dr Neena Malhotra, head of obstetrics and gynaecolog­y department at AIIMS, Delhi.

The most common known incompatib­ility is due to the RhD antigen and in severe cases of fetal anaemia, RhD blood is transfused to the foetus inside the mother’s womb through the umbilical cord, the doctor said.

“However, in this case, the mother was negative for the Rh 17 antigen which is very rare to find. Due to this, the foetuses in her womb would suffer from incompatib­ility and develop anaemia, resulting in seven pregnancy losses,” Dr Malhotra said.

When she came to AIIMS-Delhi during her seventh pregnancy, she had already lost her child inside her womb but the Blood Bank team led by Dr Hem Chandra Pandey had identified her rare blood group, the gynaecolog­ist said.

“In her eighth pregnancy, she came to us at the fifth month of pregnancy, when it was found that the baby was already anaemic and required blood to be given urgently. Although the blood group had been identified, the blood was not available in India,” she added.

A team of the obstetrics and gynaecolog­y department coordinate­d with Dr Pandey and contacted the Japanese Red Cross, which confirmed the availabili­ty of the required blood.

Funds for the transfer and necessary permits were quickly arranged with the help of AIIMS’s social service department and various NGOs, securing the needed funds within 48 hours. The rapid administra­tive clearances were taken and the blood was imported from Japan. Following the import, the foetus received six intrauteri­ne blood transfusio­ns, successful­ly reversing the condition of hydrops (heart failure).

The pregnancy continued for eight months after which the baby was delivered by a caesarean section.

“This is the first case of a successful pregnancy outcome in a case of alloimmuni­sation due to Rh 17 Ag in India and 8th case in the world. This case stands out in many respects,” the AIIMS said.

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