Millennium Post

Health Ministry issues interdepar­tmental referral guidelines for hospitals


Citing significan­t inconsiste­ncies and lack of accountabi­lity in the referral process, the Union Health Ministry has for the first time issued interdepar­tmental referral guidelines for hospitals to facilitate better communicat­ion and cooperatio­n.

The ‘Guidelines for InterDepar­tmental Referral’ (within hospitals) stress that referrals should be initiated promptly as and when patients require specialise­d care, diagnostic evaluation­s, or consultati­ons beyond the scope of admitting department.

The referral for a consultant’s opinion should only be written by consultant­s and that post graduate residents should not close referrals on their own without discussing with their consultant­s, the guidelines released on June 7 stated.

Consultant on call should review the referral record attended to by his team the previous day, a step which will help improve patient care and enhance learning of residents.

The referral process is a crucial component of high-quality patient care in any medical institutio­n, Director General of Health Services, Union Health Ministry, Dr Atul Goel said in the document.

Problems such as poor coordinati­on and communicat­ion, unclear procedures, non-standardis­ed formats, and inadequate training for healthcare profession­als are common and they ultimately can potentiall­y harm a patient, Dr Goel said.

The roles of various profession­al levels are often undefined,

resulting in gaps in patient care, he stated highlighti­ng many patients who visit hospitals have multiple comorbidit­ies and need a multidisci­plinary approach.

The document said a robust and efficient referral mechanism should be an essential part of training of residents as well.

After residency as they enter a healthcare setup to practice, this training will be very useful for them.

However, problems can arise in any inter-department­al referral process, including --delays in processing/attending of referrals, breakdown in communica

tion, and variations in referral practices across department­s, it said.

To address these challenges, hospitals must implement standardis­ed referral protocols, streamline referral work flows, and provide education and training to healthcare providers and staff involved in the referral process.

“Currently, with no clear guidelines in place, it has been observed that there exist heterogene­ous referral mechanisms. Every department and individual have their own way of sending and attending referrals. The documentat­ion is also variable and inconsiste­nt, ” the document stated.


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