Millennium Post

Majority of Indian students heading to US from eastern region: Consul

One in four foreign students in the United States is from India


US Consul Melinda Pavek has said a large number of Indian students flying to the United States for higher education in 2024 are from the eastern region.

One in four foreign students in the US is from India.

Thousands of students from the states in this region, including the northeast, would be part of the biggest delegation of Indian students to the US this year, Pavek said on the 8th Annual Student Visa Day here on Thursday.

“The top four student visa processing posts in the world were all right here in India last year, as we issued more visas than in 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined,” a statement issued by the US Embassy said.

Pavek said students are a priority for the US.

She, however, said, “I would hate the prospect of a student mortgaging family fortune to study in an Ivy League school. The emphasis should be rather on the degree.”

On reports that several

Indian students were deported from the US on arrival for visa issues recently, she said her country never wants to turn away any “genuine students”.

Pavek said as part of imparting English language

skills to Indians, the US consulate is teaching specialise­d communicat­ion to women entreprene­urs from the marginalis­ed section of society.

“We are imparting them special skills on how to write business plans. It is about specialise­d communicat­ion helpful for them,” she added.

Pavek said she has found that in the US, Indian students are interested in studying computer science, machine learning, and AI, apart from engineerin­g, chemistry and physics etc.

The US Consular Team interviewe­d more than 3,900 student visa applicants across the country during the daylong event on Thursday. In the US consulate in Kolkata, more than 100 students and their families participat­ed in the activities.

 ?? PIC/PTI ?? US Consul General Melinda Pavek (C) with students poses for photograph­s after their visa interview
PIC/PTI US Consul General Melinda Pavek (C) with students poses for photograph­s after their visa interview

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