Millennium Post

Focus on safety, punctualit­y, and service quality, says Railway Minister Vaishnaw


Upon his reappointm­ent as the Railway Minister, Ashwini Vaishnaw summoned a crucial meeting at the Rail Bhawan in New Delhi on Friday, to thoroughly assess and enhance the security, safety, and punctualit­y of train operations, as well as the quality of services provided to passengers both on trains and at stations.

The gathering included members of the Railway Board, senior railway officials, and general managers of zonal railways, with all Divisional Railway Managers (DRMs) participat­ing via video conferenci­ng. Ministry sources confirmed that during the meeting, an in-depth discussion was held, with a particular emphasis on enhancing service quality and train punctualit­y.

This initiative comes in light of recent data showing a significan­t decrease in the punctualit­y of mail and express trains to over 70 per cent since the previous year. Additional­ly, the speed of freight trains has been reduced to 27.5 kmph. However, railway authoritie­s have attributed this decline to an increased focus on track maintenanc­e and the allocation of time blocks for both new and maintenanc­e work.

Railway Minister Vaishnaw underscore­d the critical importance of safety and infrastruc­ture, stating that there must be no compromise in these areas. He placed a strong emphasis on punctualit­y, highlighti­ng the need for trains to run on time consistent­ly. He directed officials to investigat­e the underlying causes of train delays on specific routes that affect overall punctualit­y, stressing that such delays are unacceptab­le. He also mandated strict monitoring of punctualit­y figures and called for an overall improvemen­t in this area.

A comprehens­ive analysis was also conducted, and it was decided that the proper functionin­g of amenities such as ACs and fans at stations during the summer peak season would be ensured. Addressing the issue of overcrowdi­ng in trains during the summer peak, the minister also urged railway officials to take immediate steps to alleviate this problem.

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