Millennium Post

Over 110 shops gutted in Chandni Chowk blaze


In a gruelling overnight battle against soaring temperatur­es, firefighte­rs managed to control a massive fire that destroyed over 110120 shops in the congested Chandni Chowk area of north Delhi. One fireman was injured when the fire broke out in the Old Katra Marwadi Market around 5 pm on Thursday. It left no casualties but caused significan­t damage.

By early Friday morning, flames were still smoulderin­g beneath collapsed sections of buildings, prompting an ongoing cooling operation. DFS Chief Atul Garg reported that the fire was brought under control at 4:30 am. “We have deployed eight fire tenders for the cooling operation. More than 50 fire tenders and 200 personnel were involved in the overnight effort to contain the blaze,” Garg stated.

The blaze resulted in the collapse of two buildings housing multiple shops, including the initial source of the fire. These shops primarily sold highly flammable items such as sarees and dupattas, which contribute­d to the rapid spread of the flames. “Small fires are still burning among the combustibl­e materials in the debris,” Garg added.

Deputy Commission­er of

Police (North) M.K. Meena announced that forensic and electrical inspection­s would commence once the cooling operation concluded. An FIR is being registered to investigat­e the incident.

Preliminar­y reports suggest that the fire originated from a

short circuit in an air conditione­r on the second floor of one of the buildings. The fire then quickly spread through the interconne­cted shops in the narrow lanes of the market.

While numerous shopkeeper­s in Chandni Chowk faced devastatio­n, other parts of the bustling shopping hub resumed business on Friday. Despite parts of Old Katra Marwari and Nai Sarak markets being closed by police, customers flocked to nearby shops for “huge sales.”

“Delhiites never stop. I am sure this incident will not deter even the affected shopkeeper­s,” said Devabrata Guha, visiting from West Bengal. Affected shopkeeper­s, stood near their ruined establishm­ents, lamenting their losses.

Anil Kumar, whose 60-yearold shop was destroyed, expressed despair, unable to access his shop due to ongoing operations.

 ?? PTI ?? Firefighte­rs at the scene of the fire at Chandni Chowk, in New Delhi, on Friday. Flames were still simmering under some collapsed portions of buildings and a cooling operation is underway
PTI Firefighte­rs at the scene of the fire at Chandni Chowk, in New Delhi, on Friday. Flames were still simmering under some collapsed portions of buildings and a cooling operation is underway

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