Millennium Post

Property dealer’s murder in Gzb: Rs 20 cr dispute solved


Four men have been arrested for allegedly killing a Ghaziabad based property dealer and dumping the body in canal, said cops on Friday.

According to police, Rakesh Varshney (55), a property dealer from Vasundhara area in Sahibabad, was murdered by his partner Raju Upadhyay (56), to grab property worth crores of rupees.

Victim’s wife Mamta Varshney told police that her husband was missing since February 28 upon which police found that he had gone to meet an advocate, Raju Upadhyay, in Karkardoom­a court of Delhi.

When Rakesh did not reach home late at night, his wife Mamta called his phone which was switched off. She reached Raju’s house but he was not found and his number was switched off too. She registered a missing report of her husband with Delhi Police.

Nearly a week before, she had appealed to the Ghaziabad Police Commission­er to investigat­e the matter thoroughly and police registered a case against Raju under various sections including kidnapping and worked out the case.

Nimish Patel, Deputy Commission­er of Police (DCP), Trans Hindon said that the victim was kidnapped and killed over a property dispute.

“Based on police investigat­ions, Raju was detained who broke out during questionin­g and confessed the crime. Three other men were arrested following police interrogat­ions” said Patel.

Police said that the arrested accused have been identified as Raju, Anuj Garg, Krishna Agrawal (38) all natives of Delhi and Harish Kumar (48) of Bulandshah­r.

“During interrogat­ions, the arrested accused told police that they wanted to grab a property worth Rs 20 crores that belong to the deceased man. On February 28, they kidnapped Rakesh and made him consume alcohol. In an inebriated condition, the accused injected six doses of anaesthesi­a in his body and he died due to overdose,” added Patil. The accused threw the body in the canal of Muradnagar along with his car with the help of three friends. Police investigat­ion revealed that Raju, with the help of nursing staff posted in a government hospital in Delhi, had committed the crime.

The victim was kidnapped & killed over a property dispute: DCP

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