Millennium Post

Biden takes big swing at hostage-for-truce deal

The US President puts onus on Israeli, Hamas officials to step up


WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden is looking past resistance from key Israeli officials as he presses Israel and Hamas to agree to a threephase agreement that could immediatel­y bring home dozens of Israeli hostages, free Palestinia­n prisoners and perhaps even lead to an endgame in the nearly eight-month-old Gaza war.

Biden’s big swing -- during a tough re-election battle -- could also demonstrat­e to a significan­t slice of his political base demoralise­d by his handling of the conflict that he’s doing his part to end the war that has killed more than 36,000 Palestinia­ns and left hundreds of thousands struggling to meet basic needs.

White House officials on Monday said Biden’s decision to make public what it describes as an Israeli proposal -- just one day after it was delivered to Hamas -was driven by a desire to put Hamas on the spot.

The move diverged from the US administra­tion’s position throughout the conflict to allow the Israelis to speak for themselves about hostage negotiatio­ns.

“The president felt that where we are in this war, where we are in the negotiatio­ns to get the hostages out, that it was time for a different approach and a time to make the proposal public, to try to energise the process here and catalyse a different outcome,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said.

Almost immediatel­y after Biden detailed the proposal -- which includes a ceasefire and phased Israeli troop withdrawal from Gaza if Hamas releases all hostages -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said it would continue its war until Hamas was destroyed.

Netanyahu’s political survival depends on a far-right coalition that is adamant about eradicatin­g Hamas. He sowed further doubt about proposal’s viability Monday when he told an Israeli parliament committee that there are certain “gaps” in how Biden laid out the proposal.

The prime minister said Israelis “reserve the right to return to war”.

 ?? AP/PTI ?? Palestinia­ns look at the destructio­n after an Israeli strike where displaced people were staying in Rafah on Monday
AP/PTI Palestinia­ns look at the destructio­n after an Israeli strike where displaced people were staying in Rafah on Monday

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