Millennium Post

‘Clear rejection of BJP’: AAP demands PM’s resignatio­n


NEW DELHI: In a fervent call for change, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has demanded Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s resignatio­n, arguing that the latest Lok Sabha election results reflect a clear rejection of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) by the electorate.

Senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh highlighte­d the public’s dissatisfa­ction with the BJP’s decadelong governance, pointing to widespread issues such as inflation, unemployme­nt, and perceived authoritar­ianism. “This election has given many important messages. The biggest message that the public has given in this election is that people are unhappy and distressed with the 10 years of the BJP rule and want to remove this government,” said Singh.

Singh accused the BJP of utilising “money power, ED, CBI, IT department, and police as political tools” to influence the election, including imprisonin­g Opposition leaders like AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal and ministers Manish Sisodia and Satyendar Jain. Despite these alleged tactics, Singh emphasised the electorate’s clear discontent, stating, “The great people of the country said, ‘BJP Wapas Jao’ (BJP go back).”

The results, according to

Singh, indicate that the BJP will not secure a majority, contradict­ing Modi’s ambitious goal of winning over 400 seats. “If the Prime Minister has even a little bit of morality, he should immediatel­y resign,” Singh urged.

AAP Delhi State Convenor and Cabinet minister Gopal Rai praised the party’s resilience, especially in Punjab and Delhi, where their representa­tion has grown despite the challengin­g circumstan­ces. “The AAP fought this election in the most adverse circumstan­ces among all the parties in this country,”

Rai noted, emphasisin­g the party’s unified efforts against the BJP’s dominance in Delhi”.

Rai also appealed to other political parties to respect the public mandate and collaborat­e in forming a democratic government. “To save this country, its constituti­on and democracy, we all will have to fight this battle together,” he said. He urged parties like the TDP and JD(U), whose leaders have historical­ly opposed Modi, to heed the public’s call for change.

AAP National Secretary Pankaj Gupta underscore­d the broader implicatio­ns of the election results, suggesting they would bolster global confidence in Indian democracy. “The results given by the people of the country in this election today will not only affect India but the whole world,” Gupta asserted.

As the nation digests the election outcome, AAP’s leaders remain steadfast in their belief that the electorate’s voice is a decisive mandate against the BJP’s policies, urging immediate steps towards a more inclusive and democratic governance.

To save this country, its constituti­on and democracy, we all will have to fight this battle together: Rai

These elections are a message from the public that they are tired of the 10-year rule of BJP and want to oust them. They are tired of inflation. It is the beauty of

India’s democracy that people have said to the BJP to go back

— Sanjay Singh

 ?? PIC/NAVEEN SHARMA ?? Polling officials at a counting centre, in New Delhi, on Tuesday
PIC/NAVEEN SHARMA Polling officials at a counting centre, in New Delhi, on Tuesday
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