Millennium Post

Ggm Police nab Bobby Kataria on fraud and traffickin­g charges


The Gurugram Police’s Crime Branch has arrested a businessma­n and power-lifter, Bobby Kataria on charges of fraud and human traffickin­g.

Kataria allegedly lured individual­s with promises of lucrative jobs abroad, only to extort and force them into committing cyber fraud upon their arrival.

The police were informed about the incident through a complaint registered at the Bajghera Police Station.

The accused was identified as Balwant alias Bobby Kataria (38), a resident of Basai, Gurugram. According to the Police, on May 27, a detailed complaint was lodged at Bajghera Police Station, Gurugram, by a victim who had seen job advertisem­ents on Kataria’s Instagram and YouTube channels.

Trusting the social media persona, the victim and a friend contacted Kataria and were asked to come to Gurugram.

The accused Kataria then took money from them and arranged for their travel to Vientiane, Laos, on March 28 through his agent.

Upon arrival, they were taken to an undisclose­d Chinese company where their passports were confiscate­d, and they were subjected to physical assault. They were coerced into participat­ing in cyber fraud operations under the threat of death and destructio­n of their passports.

The duo managed to escape after two days and returned to India via the Indian embassy. They revealed that many other Indians were similarly held captive and forced into fraudulent activities.

Upon their return, the victims confronted Kataria, who boldly admitted to extorting money and dared them to take action. A case was filed at Bajghera Police Station under relevant sections of the IPC and the Immigratio­n Act based on the victim’s complaint.

A joint operation involving the Crime Branch Sector-10, Gurugram Police, and the National Investigat­ion Agency (NIA) swiftly ensued to apprehend Kataria. Raids conducted at various locations led to Kataria’s arrest at his office in Cosent One Mall, Sector-109, Gurugram.

Authoritie­s seized Rs 20 lakh in cash, four mobile phones, and related documents during the arrest. Following an initial interrogat­ion by NIA officials, Kataria will be presented in court today for further questionin­g and to be placed under police custody.

 ?? ?? Balwant alias Bobby Kataria (38)
Balwant alias Bobby Kataria (38)

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