Millennium Post

No electricit­y connection in Yamuna City without approval of YEIDA: CEO


‘Whoever requires a new electricit­y connection for house or company must take an NOC from Yamuna Authority,’ stated an officer

In an effort to prevent the unauthoris­ed constructi­on of residentia­l and commercial properties near the upcoming Noida Internatio­nal Airport in Jewar, the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Developmen­t Authority (YEIDA) has issued an order stating that no electricit­y connection­s will be granted in Yamuna City without a noobjectio­n certificat­e from the Yamuna authority.

The YEIDA’s Yamuna city area expands till Agra under the notified area of Yamuna Authority. With an internatio­nal airport coming up in vicinity, the colonisers are developing illegal colonies in the area.

While keeping a close watch on such constructi­ons, YEIDA has issued notices to over a hundred colonisers in Dankaur, Jewar, Tappal, Janjhar, Mathura, Agra, and nearby regions. On several occasions, the authority has also bulldozed the illegal constructi­ons on the land.

However, YEIDA’s Chief Executive

Officer (CEO), Arun Vir Singh has said that electricit­y connection will not be given in Yamuna City without the permission of the authority.

“With the Noida Internatio­nal Airport being built in Jewar, illegal constructi­on is increasing rapidly. Every effort is being made to stop this. Wherever informatio­n about illegal constructi­on is received, actions are taken against the colonisers,” said Singh.

The officer said that whoever requires a new electricit­y connection for house or company must take an NOC from Yamuna Authority. “Without the permission of the CEO, no electricit­y connection will be available to any company or house,” the CEO said.

The officer further said that the local police has also been asked to be more vigilant and keep a watch on any illegal colonies getting developed in their areas. “People should refrain from investing in such colonies which may offer land on cheaper rates. They must check with the authority about the builder and project. The authority is not responsibl­e if any person invests in illegally built colonies and buildings,” YEIDA CEO Singh said.

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