Millennium Post

NORTH, CENTRAL INDIA SIZZLE UNDER SEVERE HEATWAVE Delhi logs highest temp of season at 49.9 C 0


Large parts of northern and central India were gripped by extreme heatwave conditions on Tuesday, with temperatur­es surpassing 50 degrees Celsius in Churu, Rajasthan, and Sirsa, Haryana. The national capital also sizzled, with temperatur­es settling nine notches above normal for the season.

In Delhi, at least three weather stations recorded maximum temperatur­es of 49 degrees Celsius or more. Mungeshpur and Narela clocked 49.9 degrees, followed by Najafgarh at 49.8 degrees, according to the weather office. This was the highest temperatur­e recorded in Delhi this season. However, it is noteworthy that the Mungeshpur and Narela weather stations, establishe­d in 2022, have only three years of records.

The India Meteorolog­ical Department (IMD) indicated no immediate respite from the heatwave conditions for at

least the next two days. IMD Director General Mrutyunjay Mohapatra attributed the heatwave to the absence of Western Disturbanc­es during the latter half of May. Western Dis

turbances are extra-tropical weather systems formed over the Mediterran­ean Sea, moving from west to east.

“Today, heatwave to severe heatwave conditions prevailed

over most parts of Rajasthan, Haryana-Chandigarh-Delhi, many parts of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and isolated pockets of Bihar and Himachal Pradesh,” the IMD reported. It added that heatwave conditions also prevailed in many places over Vidarbha, some pockets of Jammu and Kashmir, and isolated pockets of Uttarakhan­d

and Chhattisga­rh.

Churu in Rajasthan was the hottest place in the country, with a maximum temperatur­e of 50.5 degrees Celsius, followed by

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 ?? ?? A fire extinguish­ing vehicle of the municipal council being used to sprinkle water on a road to provide relief from the scorching sun during a hot summer day, in Beawar, on Tuesday
A fire extinguish­ing vehicle of the municipal council being used to sprinkle water on a road to provide relief from the scorching sun during a hot summer day, in Beawar, on Tuesday
 ?? PTI ??

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