Millennium Post

Air India flight aborts take-off after hitting luggage tractor at Pune airport


A Delhi-bound Air India flight had to abort its take-off and was later cancelled after it hit a luggage tractor trolley while taxiing for departure at the Pune airport, airline sources said on Friday.

The incident occurred around 4 pm on Thursday, they said. There were around 200 passengers on board the flight and following the incident, they got stranded at the airport for around six hours, the sources said. Air India said passengers were refunded their full fares and offered compliment­ary rescheduli­ng. Those with onward internatio­nal connection­s were accommodat­ed on flights operated by other carriers, it said. The airline also said that an investigat­ion into the incident has been initiated. Shahab Jafri, a passenger on

board the aircraft, said that the flight was scheduled to depart at around 4 pm.

“While taxiing towards the runway for a takeoff, the plane hit a tractor trolley. After the incident, we remained on board for about an hour. The pilot informed us about the incident and subsequent­ly, we were deboarded,” he said. After persistent inquiry, the passengers were informed about alternativ­e flight arrangemen­ts, Jafri

said. “We were stranded at the airport for almost six hours, between 4 pm and 9.55 pm,” he added. Refreshmen­ts were provided to the passengers by around 7.30 pm after they followed up the matter with the airline staff, he said.

“The passengers experience­d significan­t inconvenie­nce. Some passengers had connecting flights, and they must have missed those flights undoubtedl­y,” Jafri said.

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